Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Preservation of God's Word

Today, in 2016, there are many Bible versions that claim to be more literal, accurate, and better than the King James. But you must wait before you judge the KJV so harshly. Lets see what God has to say about these modern versions, and if the King James Bible is so-called inaccurate, unpreserved, and untrustworthy as so many scholars and denominations proclaim.
 The history of the King James dates back to the original Greek manuscripts used amongst the early Church. There are over 5,000 0f these manuscripts. A Catholic scholar names Erasmus, published an edition that laid out the Churches Latin and the Greek. Erasmus noticed that the Latin Vulgate or the Catholic's Bible, contained many errors. He wanted to correct them and suffered much persecution from the Catholic Church. The Greek text that Erasmus used is known as the "Textus Receptus", or "Received Text". The Received Text is comprised of several editions that contain minor differences such as spelling, syntax, and accents. Erasmus' edition put the original Greek next to the Churches Latin. This caused Protestants like Martin Luther to revolt against some Catholic teachings. But Erasmus' edition was not 100% perfect.
  William Tyndale, an English Scholar, used the later editions of Erasmus to make the Coverdale Bible. William Tyndale spent most of his life hidden, translating the Bible into English using the editions of Erasmus and other manuscripts. Tyndale was a reformer who publically preached against the heresies of the Roman Catholic Church. He was eventually thrown in prison where he translated some of the Old Testament. Before being martyred, he prophetically said two things; "If God spare my life ere many years, I will cause the boy that drives the plow to know more of the scriptures than you!” , and before being strangled then burned, "Lord, open the King of England's eyes"! 
  All of these words were fulfilled. While Tyndale was in prison, Myles Coverdale published the first complete English Bible in 1535. John Rogers in 1537 translated the second complete English Bible known as the Matthew's Bible. It is comprised of most of Tyndale's, and Coverdale's writtings, with some of Rogers' own translation of the text. In 1539, three years after William Tyndale's death, Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, hired Coverdale to publish the Great Bible by the decree of Henry VIII. It was the first Bible that was authorized by a King of England for public use. It was ordered to be in every Church and was chained to the pulpit. The Churches even had an orator to read the scriptures for the illiterate. Because of the humongous size of the Bible, it got it's name the "Great Bible". The Bible being authorized wasn't the work of persuasion. It was all because of King Henry VIII's more selfish intentions. He wanted to divorce his wife who bore him no son. The Pope of course refused. Because of the Pope's resentment, King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church, divorcing his wife and marrying his mistress. And in his zeal to defy the Pope, he allowed the English Bible to be legally printed and distributed. Since England was no longer Catholic, King Henry started his own Church called the Anglican Church, or the Church of England. With the complete disregard for the Catholic Church, England was able to allow God's Word for a period of time.
  After King Henry VIII, and King Edward VI, Queen Mary took the throne in 1553. She is better known as "Bloody Mary" for her disdain, and murder for Protestants. She wanted to return England back to the Catholic Church, so she prohibited the Bible, and killed many people for the crime of being Protestant. Because of mass persecutions, people were forced to leave their homes in what became known as the Marian Exile. During this time period, the Church in Geneva, Switzerland took in a lot of the English refugees. The Swiss Church wanted to grant the English refugees a Bible to where they could educate themselves on their journey. With the protection of reformers such as John Knox, and John Calvin, the Church began to print a new Bible known today as the Geneva Bible in 1560, translated from Stephanus' TR edition by Whittingham and others. This was the first Bible to set foot in America, and was also the first Bible that had verses in it along with Chapters. It also contained marginal notes which is why it is also known as the first Study Bible. This was the most used English Bible for English Christians for over 100 years.
  After "Bloody Mary's" death, Queen Elizabeth I took over the throne. The Geneva Bible's printing was allowed, but didn't last long. The Church of the day  did not really like the "hard language" that the Geneva Bible used. The Queen wanted the Bible to be revised for a more "settle" version. Thus, the Bishops Bible came to print in 1568. This Bible did not launch well being made "politically correct".
  After Queen Elizabeth I, King James I of England took the throne. Having suffered from the terrible Bishops Bible, the Protestants and other Christians wanted a newer Bible. They missed the Geneva Bible, but knew that it had some issues. Thus, about 54 of Europe's best scholars came together to translate a better Bible over the course of about eleven years. Out of 54 scholars, just one of them, Lancelot Andrews, was an expert in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic, and spoke 15 other modern languages. This is just one person out of 54 scholars. These scholars were divided into three groups in separate colleges. There was a certain system which the translators used to translate the Bible which had every portion of scripture examined from 14-18 times.
  The KJV Bible wasn't a coincidence. It is still the worlds best sold book and has been used by missionaries to give the gospel  to thousands of people. It led revivals, and fiery sermons. It led American Baptists who suffered persecution. It is even praised by secular writers as being the greatest work of art ever seen in human literacy. This book is undoubtedly the Word Of God with over a billion printed copies, still in print today. What revival has the NIV led? What fiery sermons do you here from the Message Bible? What modern-day translation is praised as the world's best literacy work? I would expect a God-written book to be the greatest book ever written. But these books are not being written by God. They are written by Satan. The NIV alone removes 16 verses from the Bible, and 23 verses from Revelation.
 Revelation 22:19 says,
"And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

God said that if you take away his words, you will not be saved. You will become reprobate. There is no hope for you. These modern-Bibles are destroying the Word of God. They are making Dead Churches, with Dead Pastors, with Dead Congregations, with Dead people! Who cannot understand the true Word of God! If you can't understand the KJV Bible, and you move to the modern versions, then you are not saved! Jesus said in John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." If you aren't hearing the voice of the shepherd, the KJV Bible, then you ARE NOT SAVED! YOU ARE NOT OF HIS FLOCK!  Satan is deceiving people by telling them, "since you can't understand this archaic book, the KJB, just go to the "new" and "updated" versions. And the best part is that you can't tell if anyone isn't saved because everyone can understand it. And you never have to listen to any politically incorrect language like "hell", "damn", "whoredom", "sodomite", or "bastard". Just take the new, corrupted, dumbed-down, uneducated, word of God".
 Will you be deceived? Will you read Bibles that have not been preserved like God promised (Psalm 12:6-7, Psalm 119:89, Isaiah 40:8, Psalm 100:5) Are you saying that God is a liar, and that we have been without the Word of God for over 400 years! Either God is a liar, or Satan in deceiving you. Repent from these corruptions. This Satanic garbage that we call the NIV "Bible". The King James Bible is the only Bible I know. These versions contain errors and flaws that will cause you to have errors and flaws. Repent from these dead books. The NIV, NLT, NASB, MGB, NKJV, ESV, and ASV. These "Bibles" are leading people to hell. May the tree of these corrupt versions, Westcott and Hort, BURN FOR ETERNITY! DAMN THEM for misleading the people of God to heresy, and false prophets such as Joel Osteen, T.D Jakes, and Rick Warren, who are preaching lies from a lie! "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." If you are a brother or sister in Christ reading this post, take heed.

                                                                                     May the Spirit lead you into all truth. 

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