Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

 I honestly think that if the thousands of men who sacrificed their lives for this country would come back to life, they would vomit to see what we have become.
 America used to be a Nation worthy of praise, as it is written in Psalm 33, "blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord". But we as a nation no longer serve God. We defy God. His commandments rejected. His judgements are despised. His Son is disregarded. Movie Stars, Money, and Music has become the occupation of our minds. We used to be a nation by which millions of missionaries are sent into the "highways and hedges". But now we are evangelizing filth, and wickedness through our movies, pornography, sodomy, immodesty, and government. The other nations of this world look at us as filth. WE ALLOW PAEDOPHILES TO MARRY, AND DONT PUT THEM TO DEATH!!
  Our President, the queer, Barack Obama, is evil and wicked. If I were drafted in the war now you'd just put me in jail because I'm not dying for a faggot like him. Neither would I die for a people who embrace this trash. I am thankful to live in a nation that was once a Christian nation. But now we are Babylon. Now we are Pagan. Now we hold the seat of the Antichrist. With the United Nations headquarters in New York, New York, I can honestly say that I want this nation to be burned and it's flames to ascend up forever and ever. I pray that God will judge us for are great evil we have administered. May the Lord VISIT us. Jeremiah 50:31 says,
   "Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, saith the Lord God of hosts: for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee."
 Our nation is more likely than any other nation to be the end-time Babylon kingdom.
           For the millions of children slain yesterday,
           God will not delay,
          To set his face against America,
          With all the nations in array,
          Our goodness has been suppressed by our abominations,
          We lead many nations astray,
          For the cause of  every mans imagination,
          May God judge us today!!!
 Psalm 110:6, "He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries".

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