Thursday, May 26, 2016

Evolution's So-Called "Missing Links"

Evolution is a Religion                                                                      Gabriel Clemmons

  When you think of a religion, you probably think of some sort of deity. But this isn’t always the case. According to, definition 1.1 for religion is, “a particular system of faith and worship”. So in calling evolution a religion we already know based on the theory, that it is a system. But how do we get to the faith and worship? This is something we will be examining in discovering how evolution is indeed a religion.

    Many people believe that evolution is based on science. Let me remind you that science is the “intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment”. The supposed “missing links” have been used to justify that the theory of evolution is a fact. One of these “links” are “Nebraska Man”. He is entirely constructed based on one tooth. And to make it even better, they even were able to see what his wife looked like based on that same tooth. Later on they found that the tooth actually came from a pig. “Piltdown Man”, another missing link was constructed when someone took a human skull and an apes jaw, filed it down and put them together. In 1912 in the New York times they used “Piltdown Man” to “prove Darwin’s theory true. In 1925 it was going to be used by the Scopes Monkey Trial to provide “evidence” for evolution. The judge did not let this happen because they violated the law of science by combining the human skull and monkey jaw. The teacher, John T. Scopes, was found guilty for breaking the law in Tennessee. And “Neanderthal Man”, who is still in out text books, was proven in 1856 to be a man with arthritis.  Now if evolution is based on science, then why are there these lies? If you are going to believe a lie, or anything that doesn’t have any proof, that is called faith. Faith is what is needed to believe in evolution. There are many so-called “proofs” for this theory, but they are lies. Evolution is just a religion without a god, just like Buddhism is.

  Evolution is an attack not only to morality, but to Christianity. If you teach children that they are related to animals, then they will act like them. The theory is based on death. Things have to die in order for the best to happen. “Survival of the fittest” which is social Darwinism. Christianity teaches we must find life. Evolution teaches that things must die for a better species to appear. Christianity teaches that God is mandates our values. Evolution says that We mandate what’s right and wrong (thus homosexuality, adultery, and abortion). Christianity teaches man before death. Evolution teaches death before man. Christianity says we are getting worse as a human race. Evolution says we are advancing as a human race. Evolution is just secular humanism. A belief system. There are many things that I could tell you about this “theory”, but because of time, I can only touch the surface.  If you want to believe in a religion that teaches there was nothing. And nothing caused nothing to explode for no reason at all, creating everything. Then dirt and soup spontaneously rearranged itself into complex organisms without any design-aid for the purpose of death, believe what you want, but don’t indoctrinate me.

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