Saturday, May 14, 2016


 TV is something that has integrated into nearly every American household. It has comedy, game shows, sports, news, and even the internet. Everything an American could ask for right? But what does the Bible have to say about Television? Is television mentioned in the Bible?
 Well, television is not mentioned in the Bible, but todays TV is not just what you think it is. TV holds many unbiblical practices that are just outright outrageous. And I will make myself clear that based on what comes on and what is promoted in today's television, no Christian should even own a TV or watch it.  Modern day television has satanic purposes. I will cover 3 reasons why no one should watch television.

1)Television Promotes Sin

 Hollywood is not secular, but Satanist, Zionist, and Apostate. What you are being entertained by on television is what the Bible speaks against. One thing is HOMOSEXUALITY. There is an agenda to push this queer movement across mainstream media. "The Middle", "Modern Family", and "The Big Bang" are shows that are propagating sodomite actors as being "friendly", "funny", and "innocent". If you look at the Bible, every time a sodomite is mentioned they are; molesting someone, raping someone, or being killed like God commands (Leviticus 20:13). NO NORMAL PERSON should be watching anything that has a paedophile on it. And not only that. How many show do you watch where someone is drinking, committing fornication, committing adultery, committing sodomy,brawling, doing drugs, or dishonouring their parents? These are MAJOR sins in the Bible. And don't believe the lie that all sin is equal. When Jesus was being delivered to Pilate he said those who had handed him over had "the greater sin" in John 19:11. The Bible teaches there are different punishments to sin. You are punished ACCORDING to your works (Revelation 20:13). Anyone who believes that raping somebody is equivalent to stealing a pencil is downright insane.  The Bible says in Psalm 101:3 "I will set NO WICKED THING before mine EYES: I HATE the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me." It is a sin to watch wicked people. The Bible says that evil men are entertained or DELIGHTED by wickedness (Proverbs 2:12-14). Don't delight in people who are slaves to sin, and especially those who are reprobates. Moreover the Bible says "...I will walk within mine house with a perfect heart" in Psalm 101:2. How are you going to do that when a bunch of naked women pop up on the screen for a Victoria's Secret commercial? Any red-blooded man will be tempted to lust. The Bible doesn't say "Oh, I can handle it", the Bible says "Avoid Temptation". Jesus said to pray that you don't even enter into temptation in Matthew 26:41. 2 Timothy 2:22 says that we ought to "Flee also youthful lusts...". We should not tempt ourselves with sin. That's like walking in a bulls ring wearing a red coat. The bull will come for you. Flee from temptation, flee television.

2) Television Brainwashes You

 I would recommend that no one listen to the liberal media. The media lies, deceives, brainwashes, and conceals the truth. A good example for brainwashing is Donald Trump. Now I'm not advocating any politician. But that fact is that he may be America's last hope of ever having a real president. Trump has said, just as any other politician, some outrageous things. But the media and the establishment do not want him. And if he is assassinated, I wouldn't be surprised. Trump is so-called "racist", and a "tyrant". If you think this you need to actually read and stop watching television. The media says "Trump is outrageous", "Trump is racist", "Trump is hateful to Muslims". This is not true. Trump isn't racist but wants us to actually have a nation. That includes BORDERS. He doesn't just want a bunch of refugees in the country because he wants to PROTECT the Americans from threats. 10% of refugees are probably radicalized. Why would I want to risk that on anyone? Just look at Europe and their Islamic "Haven". Our Politicians are all liars, evil, and some just outright wicked. But it just so happens that Trump doesn't have a "ventriloquist" and cares nothing for political correctness. The establishment doesn't want Trump, so the Media doesn't want Trump, so the People don't want Trump. This is systemic brainwashing. The media is taking away your logic to fit their goal. The media is deceiving you. And this is just one example. Movies and TV shows are a big one. Why does everyone laugh at the same jokes? Why do people respond to certain terms the same way? Why is hate only bad and evil, and love only tolerant and accepting? Why are Dads told their stupid and Wives are taught their the leader in the household? And why is no one challenging anything? How come if you're black you listen to rap? And if you're white you love country? Why do you have to like a certain genre of music? Why do you have to be Republican or Democratic? Why are their so many labels that you have to fit? If you're not this you're that. If you don't agree with this you agree with that. Why are we told what to believe? Why are you supposed to believe in Feminism, Evolution, Environmentalism, Gun Control, and Queer Rights? Why is "Global Warming" propagated as truth and people believe it? Why are you attacked by the culture if you disagree with any of these? The answer to these questions is systemic brainwashing by movies, TV shows, government, sports teams, and more influentially, the liberal media. We are conditioned to believe the things we believe. No one who is vigilant or has commons sense would even believe in something as disgusting as homosexuality, or something as ludicrous as gun control. Like giving our guns to the government will keep us safe. That's equivalent to the government locking you in a cell telling you "here you will be safe". These concepts are outrageously stupid. The movie industry is propagating these foolish ideas very sternly. In the Noah movie, the theme wasn't "man was so evil that God had to destroy the earth", it was "man is so evil and is destroying the earth, so God must destroy man". Hmm..., this sounds like, Environmentalism, and  Global Warming.
  Notice how Hollywood portrays Jesus as a hippie with long hair and a dress. Movies portray him as passive, weak, and sensitive while the disciples look like regular men. Jesus did not whisper when he spoke. JESUS DID NOT WEAR A DRESS! The Bible teaches that women are to wear skirts and men are to wear pants. JESUS WAS A MAN! On Earth, Jesus was fully God and fully man. Being the man that he is, he didn't act like a toothpick. Do you think that Jesus was less of a man than Joshua who was a man of war, being 85 years-old? Was he less of a man than David? Jesus is compared to David, and David was able to break a bow of steel by his arms (2 Samuel 22:35)! Jesus was strong as the Bible teaches a man should be. Jesus made a whip and chased the publicans out of his temple. Does that sound "caring", or "compassionate". In Revelation 19 Jesus is going to war and is slaying people. Jesus, like David, is a man of war. Look at his disciples. Peter was able to draw a net full of 153 fish from the sea (John 21:11). It also says that the other disciples were not even able to lift the net (verse 6). These men were not typing eight hours a day. They were physically fit being fishermen. Fishermen had to lift nets, stir through storms, and lift anchors. These men are not wimps.  Peter, Andrew, John, Nathanael, Thomas, and James were all recorded in scripture being fishermen (Matt. 4:18-22, John 21:2-3). I wouldn't run to see how Satanist Hollywood portrays Jesus.

3)Television Makes you Lazy and Stupid

 It doesn't really take a Psychologist to figure this out. Watching eight hours of Television over the summer or seven hours during school months results in laziness and stupidity. Kids come home and don't WORK. They sit down and get brainwashed by the television. Cartoons are foolish enough and are known to subconsciously influence children from a very young age. Just look at "Adventure Time" with it's wizards, vampires, and magic. Or "Regular Show" which has a lot of satanic imagery and themes. Don't even get me started with "Disney".  These shows are not aiding a child's neurological development. They are damaging it. Reducing the logical world to that of their "imagination". Kids already have an imagination. But why do kids shows stress them thinking outside the box on a regular bases? And they are taught that "magic" and being "Spider-Man"  is a part of their imagination. Wait until they get older when they still like magic. When they still like their Superhero's. When they still like Harry Potter. Wait until their "imagination" takes them to pornography. When your boys are saying "just imagine me and her". Wait until they stop reading Harry Potter and pick up a spell book and actually become a wizard or witch. Wait until they don't have to "imagine" what drugs, and alcohol taste like. They watch "Tom and Jerry" smoke. And "Bugs Bunny" drink. Like Barney the Dinosaurs' song, "Just Imagine". Let television teach your kids that growing up sucks so they will continue to play video games, and watch "Pokémon" into adulthood.  The Bible warns about imagination. And the Bible doesn't have good things to say about it all the time. False Prophets, and Idolaters are those who have an "Imagination" in the Bible too (Jer. 3:17, Jer. 7:24 Jer. 18:12, Gen. 6:5) . Notice the prefix "imag-".This sounds like "image". What is an "image" in the Bible? An idol. Our children today are idolizing their toys from their favourite TV shows. They are playing with graven images and miniature statues called "toys" when the Bible says not to make statues and graven images (Deut. 4:15-18). We are literally allowing our children to worship actors and singers. And most kid's show actors are singers! It's ok to be creative and thoughtful, but teaching children that they need to chase or improve their imagination is not what the Bible teaches. God wants you to educate your children. Proverbs 13:1 says "A Wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke." The Bible says in Proverbs 10:1 "....A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother." When a Teenage boy is nagging his mother to take him to GameStop to get a new Iron-Man video game, or a teen girl is nagging her mom to buy her new jeans to make her look skinny, I can see how "heavy" it is for a mother to deal with this. Don't let your boy read comics. Tell him to read the Bible.  Don't teach your girls that anorexic Disney princesses is what "beautiful" looks like. Get them off the TV, and into the Word of God. What you're children grow around is what influences them. Do you want your boy to be influenced by Bruce Jenner, Robert Downey Jr., or Leonardo DiCaprio? Or by Noah, Abraham, David, Paul, and Jesus.
 Which one of these is more important? Dressing like Miley Cyrus (a whore), or dressing modest? Being fixated in your imagination, or being logical and creative? Reading comics, or reading the Bible? Watching movies or watching the world, being vigilant? We know to chose the later. TV is a great evil that is corrupting the lives of American. Do you want your children to watch a bunch of homos? A bunch of men and women who have divorced several times? Who are on drugs and have been charged with crimes? A bunch of women who dress like whores (Ariana Grande, Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez) and men who dress and act like women (Jaden Smith, Justin Bieber, Barack Obama)? What do you want your children to turn out to be? What is raising your children?

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