Monday, May 30, 2016

Horrors of the Hallways

I consider now my continual fall,
Going to school again and again to be greeted by the wicked,
Walking in a different path than the rest, doing my best not to
fit in,

Crying, the inward man inside by the toxic that enters my ears,
Screaming, in my heart to remove myself from my personal daily tears,
Death creeps around me as I close my eyes,
Deaf seeks to block my ears from my daily surprise,

Eyes can be closed but the ear never shut,
Sleep is good but all must wake up,
I seek quietness in spirit, my mind is rough,
My senses, I try, to keep handcuffed,
To the Word of God as I try to recite,
While evolution is screaming and destroying my insight,
Brainwashed daily, wickedness destroys,
Satan wants to fill my brain, with worldly joys,

Insanity as I hear the profanity,
The wicked tongue has no sanity,
Demons disturb me, the wicked haunt me,
Constantly wailing to remember the Lord,
While Satan pulls me to destruction,
With all the wicked's accord,

I see that this place is horrifying,
Desolate and evil,
As our government tries to provide and placate,
My fate is at stake,
I restore to my enemies,
So they can tempt me with their infirmities,
As my friends are torn apart walking on Satan's road,
My life in the dungeon becomes ever so cold.

                  Here is the destruction of the Faithful.

Memorial Day

 I honestly think that if the thousands of men who sacrificed their lives for this country would come back to life, they would vomit to see what we have become.
 America used to be a Nation worthy of praise, as it is written in Psalm 33, "blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord". But we as a nation no longer serve God. We defy God. His commandments rejected. His judgements are despised. His Son is disregarded. Movie Stars, Money, and Music has become the occupation of our minds. We used to be a nation by which millions of missionaries are sent into the "highways and hedges". But now we are evangelizing filth, and wickedness through our movies, pornography, sodomy, immodesty, and government. The other nations of this world look at us as filth. WE ALLOW PAEDOPHILES TO MARRY, AND DONT PUT THEM TO DEATH!!
  Our President, the queer, Barack Obama, is evil and wicked. If I were drafted in the war now you'd just put me in jail because I'm not dying for a faggot like him. Neither would I die for a people who embrace this trash. I am thankful to live in a nation that was once a Christian nation. But now we are Babylon. Now we are Pagan. Now we hold the seat of the Antichrist. With the United Nations headquarters in New York, New York, I can honestly say that I want this nation to be burned and it's flames to ascend up forever and ever. I pray that God will judge us for are great evil we have administered. May the Lord VISIT us. Jeremiah 50:31 says,
   "Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, saith the Lord God of hosts: for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee."
 Our nation is more likely than any other nation to be the end-time Babylon kingdom.
           For the millions of children slain yesterday,
           God will not delay,
          To set his face against America,
          With all the nations in array,
          Our goodness has been suppressed by our abominations,
          We lead many nations astray,
          For the cause of  every mans imagination,
          May God judge us today!!!
 Psalm 110:6, "He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries".

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Evolution's So-Called "Missing Links"

Evolution is a Religion                                                                      Gabriel Clemmons

  When you think of a religion, you probably think of some sort of deity. But this isn’t always the case. According to, definition 1.1 for religion is, “a particular system of faith and worship”. So in calling evolution a religion we already know based on the theory, that it is a system. But how do we get to the faith and worship? This is something we will be examining in discovering how evolution is indeed a religion.

    Many people believe that evolution is based on science. Let me remind you that science is the “intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment”. The supposed “missing links” have been used to justify that the theory of evolution is a fact. One of these “links” are “Nebraska Man”. He is entirely constructed based on one tooth. And to make it even better, they even were able to see what his wife looked like based on that same tooth. Later on they found that the tooth actually came from a pig. “Piltdown Man”, another missing link was constructed when someone took a human skull and an apes jaw, filed it down and put them together. In 1912 in the New York times they used “Piltdown Man” to “prove Darwin’s theory true. In 1925 it was going to be used by the Scopes Monkey Trial to provide “evidence” for evolution. The judge did not let this happen because they violated the law of science by combining the human skull and monkey jaw. The teacher, John T. Scopes, was found guilty for breaking the law in Tennessee. And “Neanderthal Man”, who is still in out text books, was proven in 1856 to be a man with arthritis.  Now if evolution is based on science, then why are there these lies? If you are going to believe a lie, or anything that doesn’t have any proof, that is called faith. Faith is what is needed to believe in evolution. There are many so-called “proofs” for this theory, but they are lies. Evolution is just a religion without a god, just like Buddhism is.

  Evolution is an attack not only to morality, but to Christianity. If you teach children that they are related to animals, then they will act like them. The theory is based on death. Things have to die in order for the best to happen. “Survival of the fittest” which is social Darwinism. Christianity teaches we must find life. Evolution teaches that things must die for a better species to appear. Christianity teaches that God is mandates our values. Evolution says that We mandate what’s right and wrong (thus homosexuality, adultery, and abortion). Christianity teaches man before death. Evolution teaches death before man. Christianity says we are getting worse as a human race. Evolution says we are advancing as a human race. Evolution is just secular humanism. A belief system. There are many things that I could tell you about this “theory”, but because of time, I can only touch the surface.  If you want to believe in a religion that teaches there was nothing. And nothing caused nothing to explode for no reason at all, creating everything. Then dirt and soup spontaneously rearranged itself into complex organisms without any design-aid for the purpose of death, believe what you want, but don’t indoctrinate me.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Chosen People

Modern day Israel and the Jewish people are praised by Evangelical and Baptist Christians as being the "Chosen People". But is this really so? False Prophets such as John Hagee, Jim Baker, and Johnathan Cahn are known for praising Israel and teaching that they will one day be saved. But this is not so. If you carefully study Revelation, or read my blog post "The Post-Tribulation Rapture", you will see what the Bible actually teaches about the second coming of Jesus Christ. 
  The Jews today are not the chosen people of God because; we are in the new testament, and they are not even blood-line descendants. Judaism is a wicked false religion, not a blood-line. Christ preached against the Jews, and blinded some of them from believing the gospel (Isaiah 6:9, Luke 8:10, John 12:40). The land of Israel today is spiritually called SODOM AND GAMORRAH (Revelation 11:8)!! This makes since, since Tel Aviv is the number 1 sodomite city in the world.
  If you read Galatians 4:22-31, it clearly denotes that the "Jews" today are a spiritual "Agar", the bondwoman. Christians are of Sarah, the freewoman. Ephesians 4:13-19, Hebrews 11:16, Hebrews 12:22, and Revelation Chapter 21 all speak of CHRISTIANS being part of heavenly Jerusalem. We as Christians have replaced the Jews.

Romans 2:28-29 says "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God."

This clearly destroys that argument that being a physical descendent of Abraham is what saves you.

Genesis 12:2-3 is where we get the doctrine of the Jews being the chosen people. it reads:

"And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

 Now this is why it is important that you have a King James Bible. The translators put the thee's, thou's, and ye's to delineate between singular and plural. The "thee's", "thou's", and "thy's" and all singular. The "ye", "you", and your's" are all plural. We see within this scripture that the "th-" pronouns are used 7 TIMES! This means that God is ONLY TALKING TO ABRAHAM, NOT TO A MAJORITY! Other modern translations corrupt God's word, and that is why there are so many false doctrines. Now God says to Abraham "thy seed". Now lets look at Galatians 3:16

"Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ."

We see that the promise was not to Abrahams seeds, speaking of his physical descendants, but to his seed, his seed is Christ, which is why Abraham is called the father of the faith (Romans 4:1). If you believe in Christ this means you are Abraham's seed. Galatians 3:7 says "Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham." We will inherit the Promise Land, which is New Jerusalem. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 says that God has "sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts". An earnest is a pre-payment that you put on a house. The Holy Spirit seals us as an earnest to inherit the Promise Land. Ephesians 1:13-14 says,

"In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory."

Bible-Believing Christians will inherit the Promise Land. We are the Chosen People.

  Many don't even understand what it meant to be chosen in the Old Testament. IT WAS NEVER BY BLOODLINE! All you had to do was be circumcised, and keep the Passover. That's what made a Chosen People back then (Genesis 17:10-14, Jeremiah 4:4, Exodus 12:1-12, 14). Now we are circumcised in the heart (Deuteronomy 30:6, Philippians 3:3). And Christ is our Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7).  We are God's Chosen people as Bible Believing Christians. Not Pagan Israel.
 The Jews today don't even believe in God.

John 5:46-47 says, "For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?"
1 John 2:22-23 says,"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also."

If you don't believe in Christ, you don't have the Father. Now in order for you to not to believe that Jesus is the Christ, you have to believe that there is a Christ, but it's not Jesus. The Jews today believe in a "Messiah" that will come. That "Messiah" is the Antichrist. In Revelation 3:9 it reads,

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

The only religion in the World that has a synagogue is Judaism. Christ call them a "synagogue of Satan". These Christ hating "Jews" are not the Chosen People. They are just white people. These blue eyes, and blond hair men and women are not descendants of Abraham. THEY ARE EUROPEANS!

 Open your eyes, and  read the Bible.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Democracy in Light of the Bible

Democracy today is praised as being the best form of government possible. The United Nations is an open advocate for democracy. But the Bible has something else to say about government.
 Now what gives democracy away as being evil right away is that it is upheld by one of the New World Order institutions, the United Nations. Luke 16:15 "And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." What men exalt as being good, is usually evil (homosexuality, feminism, evolution, abortion). So lets look at God's outline for government and the roots of Democracy.
 God does not have a republic, or a democracy, He has a monarchy. He is the King of his Nation of believers. This is just obvious given that Jesus is often compared to King David in the Bible. Moreover, his laws are written in the first five books, and are expounded upon in the New Testament. The 10 Commandments are the central laws of God. All the other commandments string from these. Jesus summarized these commandments in Matthew 22:37-39. The first four commandments deal with loving God, the last six deal with loving your neighbour. God's kingdom is based on His Word, not on popular opinion.
 God's Kingdom is a free kingdom. Freedom in the Bible doesn't mean you get to sin against God and your neighbour whenever you feel like it, Freedom means to help others.

 Galatians 5:13 "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only [use] not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another."

1 Peter 2:16 "As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God."

 So yes there is freedom of speech. But don't speak against God, or curse your parents. Yes you have the right to bear arms. God expects you to have a weapon. In Deuteronomy 23:12-13, God gives the law for using the bathroom so that the Israelites could have a sanitary camp. It says "And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon...". God just expected the Israelites to have weapon wherewith they could put a paddle on to use the bathroom with . It is a right to protection from violence. Jesus even said in Luke 22:36 "...he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." speaking in the context of his disciple's coming persecution by his death, burial, and resurrection.
 Yes, you have freedom of the press. There is nothing wrong with you getting news. How did people hear of Christ's resurrection? Why did Israel send messengers so many times in the Bible. God uses his angels as messengers in the Bible. There is nothing wrong with getting news.
 No, there is no freedom of religion. This is where we really start getting into government. In Islam, you can have many wives. God said "shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife..." in Genesis 2:24. Catholics practice Idolatry and God said not to build statues of men, women, or animals in Deuteronomy 4:15-19. In Deuteronomy 13:6-11, God said to put people who serve other gods to death. And if someone entices you to serve their god, they must be put to death (so much for the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses). In God's Kingdom, He is God, and beside His name is no other. His name is Christ.
 In God's Kingdom, all have the right to education, and the government has nothing to do with it. Proverbs 1:8, Proverbs 2:1, Proverbs 4:1-2, Deuteronomy 6:20-25 and Proverbs 10:1 all speak of children being educated or instructed by their parents. Education in God's kingdom does not exist in schools, it exists in the home. This is good because unlike our communist public schools, children are taught God's law, which is equivalent to being taught right from wrong. God also encourages reading, writing, math, science, and history because his word contains all of these. You obviously need to teach your children to read so they can read the Bible. They need to know how to write so they can take notes, increase in wisdom like the Bible says in Proverbs 1:5, and write the commandments on "the posts of thy house, and on thy gates" like the Bible says in Deut.6:9. By reading the Bible your kids will learn a ton of history and even future events (Revelation). And since the Bible is scientifically accurate and contains recent sciences in it like the discovery of germs, genetics, pigs being unclean (swine flu), Dinosaurs, geography, and Creation science, they will have a sure understanding of the world around them based on God's word. The Bible also contains arithmetic, engineering and construction. By reading the Bible, it will make children curious, (I'm a witness), and curiosity leads to intellects like Daniel and Solomon. And by keeping God's commandment to go to Church (Hebrews 10:25) your children will be exposed to various doctrines of the Bible, increasing their overall IQ. And unlike the "Public Fool System", there is no curriculum. Your child already is guaranteed a job. His father's occupation would be his. This takes out useless college expenses, and further guarantees economic prosperity. If your child is interested in something else, he'll read a book on it, or be an apprentice. But his education would be geared toward his future occupation.
 Along with the workforce, women's workforce would be their homes. To their father's home, or their husband's, there is where they would be tending. This doesn't mean she wouldn't be educated. As a child, she would receive the same education, but more geared towards her future occupation, the home. Keeping women out of man's workforce assures that adultery is lowered. Many adulteries take place in the workforce where men and women are working together. God knows exactly what he is doing.
 God has a very limited government. According to His Law and Romans 13, His government is only for the punishment of evildoers. Only time when government interferes is in the case of legal issues. To judge righteously, praise the righteous, and sentence the wicked is the purpose of God's government. To ensure that God's law is being followed and that the righteous are being praised is the meaning for government. Since government is very limited, taxes are not high. And since taxes are not high, individual financial prosperity is off the charts. The Bible teaches that men have private property (Jeremiah 32:6-15, Proverbs 31:16, Deuteronomy 1:8). This means you can do whatever you want to your garage. If you buy it, then it's yours. No license plates, no social security, and no property tax. What you buy is yours and no one can take it away legally.
 Businesses would be present so long as they do not break the law of God. There are no banks. What you have, you keep. There are no federal banks, there is a federal treasury. There is no police, God calls the community and witnesses to stone with stones (Deuteronomy 17:6-7, Deuteronomy 21:21). No firefighters, each community of course would have the necessary equipment. No ambulances, the community would have doctors, and the Church (James 5:14-16).  No NASA or any other federal-funded sciences. Individuals would form certain science investigation groups for further knowledge. No more prisons. No more hunting laws. No more public education. No more public libraries. No more public parks. No more public maintenance. And no more public reserves. The community would keep the land together. Parents would teach their children to be respectful for God's earth (Psalm 24:1) so they wont litter plastics or any other man-made substances. Judges would be put over communities to punish evildoers and praise the good. There would be three places of refuge outside of each city for manslaughter (Deuteronomy 19:2-7). We would be an isolationist kingdom. There would be fewer wars, and more prosperity.

 Democracy however, is almost completely different. Democracy is a pagan form of government that was invented by the Greeks in 507 B.C. It is transliterated and means "rule by the people". That right there is a problem because it's not the people's job to rule the government, The Word rules the people. Democracy also has women ruling over men, and 1 Timothy 2:12 says "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to  usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." Democracy says that the majority rules. God teaches that the majority is almost always wrong. Just open and read through the Bible how the Israelites constantly turned from following God. Look at how the majority today don't believe in Christ as their Lord and Saviour. The majority is nearly always wrong. Democracy tells the judges to hear their plea, than for them to hear God's Word. Democracy leads to bad governments. In the U.S, the majority of us want socialism. So Obamacare, and food stamps are everywhere. The Democratic party is very socialist. What if one day everyone goes socialist. Then the politicians will fancy themselves to be socialists. And the people will elect who they want. Socialism leads to Communism. Communism leads to Totalitarianism. Totalitarianism leads to Hell. If the majority is almost always wrong, than democracy is wrong. Democracy is a satanic form of government. In democracy, man is the "almighty" and decides what his government should look like. Man is "god" in democracy. The Word of God says that Jesus is God, and that his word trumps Trump's words. No man's word will ever supersede the Word of God. Democracy is a great evil that Satan is spreading to nations. The Middle Easts' wars are not a result of dictatorship entirely, they are a result of terrorism and interventionist nations. People don't realize that Hitler had a democracy because he had the people. He convinced a whole nation that killing around 4 million Jews was ok. Was it not the people who elected him in the first place? Did the Germans not hate the Jews themselves? Did they not choose their government? Through propaganda, public schools, and media, governments can get their democracies to believe anything.  Every man-made theory of government is corrupt, erroneous, and devilish. Only God's Government trumps all others. When Christ returns for war (Revelation 19), He will not have a democracy. He will have a monarchy. Democracy, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism are all the same.

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
                                                                         -Joseph Stalin

Television Rule

I hope this will show you how wicked Television is. If you hear or see any of these things, the challenge is for you to shut off your television for two hours.

1)Someone is showing their nakedness (Exodus 28:42, Isaiah 47:1-3:Thighs in the Bible are considered nakedness.)

2)You hear God's Name in vain (Exodus 20:7)

3)You hear swear words  Fu#& or, Sh*$, (Damn, Hell, Whore, Piss, and  Bastard are not swear words. They are Biblical Pure Words. Every Word of God is pure (Psalms 12:6-7)

4)You hear someone swear (Matthew 5:34-37)

5)You hear a lie (Revelation 21:8)

6)You see fornication (1 Corinthians 7:2, Genesis 2:24-25)

7)You see adultery (Exodus 20:14, Matthew 5:27-29)

8)You see a Homosexual/paedophile (Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:32)

9)You see a whore (Proverbs Chapter 7, Revelation 22:20-24, Deuteronomy 22:20-21)

10)You see alcoholic drinks or drunkards (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Proverbs 23:29-35, Wine in the Bible has two meanings, grape juice, and the alcoholic beverage, Isaiah 65:8)

11)You see violence

 *Violence in the Bible is not a boxing match. It's inflicting unwanted harm on someone else who is innocent. When the Centurion came to Jesus in Matthew Chapter 8, Jesus didn't tell him to quit the army. He told him "Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee."

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Preservation of God's Word

Today, in 2016, there are many Bible versions that claim to be more literal, accurate, and better than the King James. But you must wait before you judge the KJV so harshly. Lets see what God has to say about these modern versions, and if the King James Bible is so-called inaccurate, unpreserved, and untrustworthy as so many scholars and denominations proclaim.
 The history of the King James dates back to the original Greek manuscripts used amongst the early Church. There are over 5,000 0f these manuscripts. A Catholic scholar names Erasmus, published an edition that laid out the Churches Latin and the Greek. Erasmus noticed that the Latin Vulgate or the Catholic's Bible, contained many errors. He wanted to correct them and suffered much persecution from the Catholic Church. The Greek text that Erasmus used is known as the "Textus Receptus", or "Received Text". The Received Text is comprised of several editions that contain minor differences such as spelling, syntax, and accents. Erasmus' edition put the original Greek next to the Churches Latin. This caused Protestants like Martin Luther to revolt against some Catholic teachings. But Erasmus' edition was not 100% perfect.
  William Tyndale, an English Scholar, used the later editions of Erasmus to make the Coverdale Bible. William Tyndale spent most of his life hidden, translating the Bible into English using the editions of Erasmus and other manuscripts. Tyndale was a reformer who publically preached against the heresies of the Roman Catholic Church. He was eventually thrown in prison where he translated some of the Old Testament. Before being martyred, he prophetically said two things; "If God spare my life ere many years, I will cause the boy that drives the plow to know more of the scriptures than you!” , and before being strangled then burned, "Lord, open the King of England's eyes"! 
  All of these words were fulfilled. While Tyndale was in prison, Myles Coverdale published the first complete English Bible in 1535. John Rogers in 1537 translated the second complete English Bible known as the Matthew's Bible. It is comprised of most of Tyndale's, and Coverdale's writtings, with some of Rogers' own translation of the text. In 1539, three years after William Tyndale's death, Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, hired Coverdale to publish the Great Bible by the decree of Henry VIII. It was the first Bible that was authorized by a King of England for public use. It was ordered to be in every Church and was chained to the pulpit. The Churches even had an orator to read the scriptures for the illiterate. Because of the humongous size of the Bible, it got it's name the "Great Bible". The Bible being authorized wasn't the work of persuasion. It was all because of King Henry VIII's more selfish intentions. He wanted to divorce his wife who bore him no son. The Pope of course refused. Because of the Pope's resentment, King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church, divorcing his wife and marrying his mistress. And in his zeal to defy the Pope, he allowed the English Bible to be legally printed and distributed. Since England was no longer Catholic, King Henry started his own Church called the Anglican Church, or the Church of England. With the complete disregard for the Catholic Church, England was able to allow God's Word for a period of time.
  After King Henry VIII, and King Edward VI, Queen Mary took the throne in 1553. She is better known as "Bloody Mary" for her disdain, and murder for Protestants. She wanted to return England back to the Catholic Church, so she prohibited the Bible, and killed many people for the crime of being Protestant. Because of mass persecutions, people were forced to leave their homes in what became known as the Marian Exile. During this time period, the Church in Geneva, Switzerland took in a lot of the English refugees. The Swiss Church wanted to grant the English refugees a Bible to where they could educate themselves on their journey. With the protection of reformers such as John Knox, and John Calvin, the Church began to print a new Bible known today as the Geneva Bible in 1560, translated from Stephanus' TR edition by Whittingham and others. This was the first Bible to set foot in America, and was also the first Bible that had verses in it along with Chapters. It also contained marginal notes which is why it is also known as the first Study Bible. This was the most used English Bible for English Christians for over 100 years.
  After "Bloody Mary's" death, Queen Elizabeth I took over the throne. The Geneva Bible's printing was allowed, but didn't last long. The Church of the day  did not really like the "hard language" that the Geneva Bible used. The Queen wanted the Bible to be revised for a more "settle" version. Thus, the Bishops Bible came to print in 1568. This Bible did not launch well being made "politically correct".
  After Queen Elizabeth I, King James I of England took the throne. Having suffered from the terrible Bishops Bible, the Protestants and other Christians wanted a newer Bible. They missed the Geneva Bible, but knew that it had some issues. Thus, about 54 of Europe's best scholars came together to translate a better Bible over the course of about eleven years. Out of 54 scholars, just one of them, Lancelot Andrews, was an expert in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic, and spoke 15 other modern languages. This is just one person out of 54 scholars. These scholars were divided into three groups in separate colleges. There was a certain system which the translators used to translate the Bible which had every portion of scripture examined from 14-18 times.
  The KJV Bible wasn't a coincidence. It is still the worlds best sold book and has been used by missionaries to give the gospel  to thousands of people. It led revivals, and fiery sermons. It led American Baptists who suffered persecution. It is even praised by secular writers as being the greatest work of art ever seen in human literacy. This book is undoubtedly the Word Of God with over a billion printed copies, still in print today. What revival has the NIV led? What fiery sermons do you here from the Message Bible? What modern-day translation is praised as the world's best literacy work? I would expect a God-written book to be the greatest book ever written. But these books are not being written by God. They are written by Satan. The NIV alone removes 16 verses from the Bible, and 23 verses from Revelation.
 Revelation 22:19 says,
"And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

God said that if you take away his words, you will not be saved. You will become reprobate. There is no hope for you. These modern-Bibles are destroying the Word of God. They are making Dead Churches, with Dead Pastors, with Dead Congregations, with Dead people! Who cannot understand the true Word of God! If you can't understand the KJV Bible, and you move to the modern versions, then you are not saved! Jesus said in John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." If you aren't hearing the voice of the shepherd, the KJV Bible, then you ARE NOT SAVED! YOU ARE NOT OF HIS FLOCK!  Satan is deceiving people by telling them, "since you can't understand this archaic book, the KJB, just go to the "new" and "updated" versions. And the best part is that you can't tell if anyone isn't saved because everyone can understand it. And you never have to listen to any politically incorrect language like "hell", "damn", "whoredom", "sodomite", or "bastard". Just take the new, corrupted, dumbed-down, uneducated, word of God".
 Will you be deceived? Will you read Bibles that have not been preserved like God promised (Psalm 12:6-7, Psalm 119:89, Isaiah 40:8, Psalm 100:5) Are you saying that God is a liar, and that we have been without the Word of God for over 400 years! Either God is a liar, or Satan in deceiving you. Repent from these corruptions. This Satanic garbage that we call the NIV "Bible". The King James Bible is the only Bible I know. These versions contain errors and flaws that will cause you to have errors and flaws. Repent from these dead books. The NIV, NLT, NASB, MGB, NKJV, ESV, and ASV. These "Bibles" are leading people to hell. May the tree of these corrupt versions, Westcott and Hort, BURN FOR ETERNITY! DAMN THEM for misleading the people of God to heresy, and false prophets such as Joel Osteen, T.D Jakes, and Rick Warren, who are preaching lies from a lie! "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." If you are a brother or sister in Christ reading this post, take heed.

                                                                                     May the Spirit lead you into all truth. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016


 TV is something that has integrated into nearly every American household. It has comedy, game shows, sports, news, and even the internet. Everything an American could ask for right? But what does the Bible have to say about Television? Is television mentioned in the Bible?
 Well, television is not mentioned in the Bible, but todays TV is not just what you think it is. TV holds many unbiblical practices that are just outright outrageous. And I will make myself clear that based on what comes on and what is promoted in today's television, no Christian should even own a TV or watch it.  Modern day television has satanic purposes. I will cover 3 reasons why no one should watch television.

1)Television Promotes Sin

 Hollywood is not secular, but Satanist, Zionist, and Apostate. What you are being entertained by on television is what the Bible speaks against. One thing is HOMOSEXUALITY. There is an agenda to push this queer movement across mainstream media. "The Middle", "Modern Family", and "The Big Bang" are shows that are propagating sodomite actors as being "friendly", "funny", and "innocent". If you look at the Bible, every time a sodomite is mentioned they are; molesting someone, raping someone, or being killed like God commands (Leviticus 20:13). NO NORMAL PERSON should be watching anything that has a paedophile on it. And not only that. How many show do you watch where someone is drinking, committing fornication, committing adultery, committing sodomy,brawling, doing drugs, or dishonouring their parents? These are MAJOR sins in the Bible. And don't believe the lie that all sin is equal. When Jesus was being delivered to Pilate he said those who had handed him over had "the greater sin" in John 19:11. The Bible teaches there are different punishments to sin. You are punished ACCORDING to your works (Revelation 20:13). Anyone who believes that raping somebody is equivalent to stealing a pencil is downright insane.  The Bible says in Psalm 101:3 "I will set NO WICKED THING before mine EYES: I HATE the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me." It is a sin to watch wicked people. The Bible says that evil men are entertained or DELIGHTED by wickedness (Proverbs 2:12-14). Don't delight in people who are slaves to sin, and especially those who are reprobates. Moreover the Bible says "...I will walk within mine house with a perfect heart" in Psalm 101:2. How are you going to do that when a bunch of naked women pop up on the screen for a Victoria's Secret commercial? Any red-blooded man will be tempted to lust. The Bible doesn't say "Oh, I can handle it", the Bible says "Avoid Temptation". Jesus said to pray that you don't even enter into temptation in Matthew 26:41. 2 Timothy 2:22 says that we ought to "Flee also youthful lusts...". We should not tempt ourselves with sin. That's like walking in a bulls ring wearing a red coat. The bull will come for you. Flee from temptation, flee television.

2) Television Brainwashes You

 I would recommend that no one listen to the liberal media. The media lies, deceives, brainwashes, and conceals the truth. A good example for brainwashing is Donald Trump. Now I'm not advocating any politician. But that fact is that he may be America's last hope of ever having a real president. Trump has said, just as any other politician, some outrageous things. But the media and the establishment do not want him. And if he is assassinated, I wouldn't be surprised. Trump is so-called "racist", and a "tyrant". If you think this you need to actually read and stop watching television. The media says "Trump is outrageous", "Trump is racist", "Trump is hateful to Muslims". This is not true. Trump isn't racist but wants us to actually have a nation. That includes BORDERS. He doesn't just want a bunch of refugees in the country because he wants to PROTECT the Americans from threats. 10% of refugees are probably radicalized. Why would I want to risk that on anyone? Just look at Europe and their Islamic "Haven". Our Politicians are all liars, evil, and some just outright wicked. But it just so happens that Trump doesn't have a "ventriloquist" and cares nothing for political correctness. The establishment doesn't want Trump, so the Media doesn't want Trump, so the People don't want Trump. This is systemic brainwashing. The media is taking away your logic to fit their goal. The media is deceiving you. And this is just one example. Movies and TV shows are a big one. Why does everyone laugh at the same jokes? Why do people respond to certain terms the same way? Why is hate only bad and evil, and love only tolerant and accepting? Why are Dads told their stupid and Wives are taught their the leader in the household? And why is no one challenging anything? How come if you're black you listen to rap? And if you're white you love country? Why do you have to like a certain genre of music? Why do you have to be Republican or Democratic? Why are their so many labels that you have to fit? If you're not this you're that. If you don't agree with this you agree with that. Why are we told what to believe? Why are you supposed to believe in Feminism, Evolution, Environmentalism, Gun Control, and Queer Rights? Why is "Global Warming" propagated as truth and people believe it? Why are you attacked by the culture if you disagree with any of these? The answer to these questions is systemic brainwashing by movies, TV shows, government, sports teams, and more influentially, the liberal media. We are conditioned to believe the things we believe. No one who is vigilant or has commons sense would even believe in something as disgusting as homosexuality, or something as ludicrous as gun control. Like giving our guns to the government will keep us safe. That's equivalent to the government locking you in a cell telling you "here you will be safe". These concepts are outrageously stupid. The movie industry is propagating these foolish ideas very sternly. In the Noah movie, the theme wasn't "man was so evil that God had to destroy the earth", it was "man is so evil and is destroying the earth, so God must destroy man". Hmm..., this sounds like, Environmentalism, and  Global Warming.
  Notice how Hollywood portrays Jesus as a hippie with long hair and a dress. Movies portray him as passive, weak, and sensitive while the disciples look like regular men. Jesus did not whisper when he spoke. JESUS DID NOT WEAR A DRESS! The Bible teaches that women are to wear skirts and men are to wear pants. JESUS WAS A MAN! On Earth, Jesus was fully God and fully man. Being the man that he is, he didn't act like a toothpick. Do you think that Jesus was less of a man than Joshua who was a man of war, being 85 years-old? Was he less of a man than David? Jesus is compared to David, and David was able to break a bow of steel by his arms (2 Samuel 22:35)! Jesus was strong as the Bible teaches a man should be. Jesus made a whip and chased the publicans out of his temple. Does that sound "caring", or "compassionate". In Revelation 19 Jesus is going to war and is slaying people. Jesus, like David, is a man of war. Look at his disciples. Peter was able to draw a net full of 153 fish from the sea (John 21:11). It also says that the other disciples were not even able to lift the net (verse 6). These men were not typing eight hours a day. They were physically fit being fishermen. Fishermen had to lift nets, stir through storms, and lift anchors. These men are not wimps.  Peter, Andrew, John, Nathanael, Thomas, and James were all recorded in scripture being fishermen (Matt. 4:18-22, John 21:2-3). I wouldn't run to see how Satanist Hollywood portrays Jesus.

3)Television Makes you Lazy and Stupid

 It doesn't really take a Psychologist to figure this out. Watching eight hours of Television over the summer or seven hours during school months results in laziness and stupidity. Kids come home and don't WORK. They sit down and get brainwashed by the television. Cartoons are foolish enough and are known to subconsciously influence children from a very young age. Just look at "Adventure Time" with it's wizards, vampires, and magic. Or "Regular Show" which has a lot of satanic imagery and themes. Don't even get me started with "Disney".  These shows are not aiding a child's neurological development. They are damaging it. Reducing the logical world to that of their "imagination". Kids already have an imagination. But why do kids shows stress them thinking outside the box on a regular bases? And they are taught that "magic" and being "Spider-Man"  is a part of their imagination. Wait until they get older when they still like magic. When they still like their Superhero's. When they still like Harry Potter. Wait until their "imagination" takes them to pornography. When your boys are saying "just imagine me and her". Wait until they stop reading Harry Potter and pick up a spell book and actually become a wizard or witch. Wait until they don't have to "imagine" what drugs, and alcohol taste like. They watch "Tom and Jerry" smoke. And "Bugs Bunny" drink. Like Barney the Dinosaurs' song, "Just Imagine". Let television teach your kids that growing up sucks so they will continue to play video games, and watch "Pokémon" into adulthood.  The Bible warns about imagination. And the Bible doesn't have good things to say about it all the time. False Prophets, and Idolaters are those who have an "Imagination" in the Bible too (Jer. 3:17, Jer. 7:24 Jer. 18:12, Gen. 6:5) . Notice the prefix "imag-".This sounds like "image". What is an "image" in the Bible? An idol. Our children today are idolizing their toys from their favourite TV shows. They are playing with graven images and miniature statues called "toys" when the Bible says not to make statues and graven images (Deut. 4:15-18). We are literally allowing our children to worship actors and singers. And most kid's show actors are singers! It's ok to be creative and thoughtful, but teaching children that they need to chase or improve their imagination is not what the Bible teaches. God wants you to educate your children. Proverbs 13:1 says "A Wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke." The Bible says in Proverbs 10:1 "....A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother." When a Teenage boy is nagging his mother to take him to GameStop to get a new Iron-Man video game, or a teen girl is nagging her mom to buy her new jeans to make her look skinny, I can see how "heavy" it is for a mother to deal with this. Don't let your boy read comics. Tell him to read the Bible.  Don't teach your girls that anorexic Disney princesses is what "beautiful" looks like. Get them off the TV, and into the Word of God. What you're children grow around is what influences them. Do you want your boy to be influenced by Bruce Jenner, Robert Downey Jr., or Leonardo DiCaprio? Or by Noah, Abraham, David, Paul, and Jesus.
 Which one of these is more important? Dressing like Miley Cyrus (a whore), or dressing modest? Being fixated in your imagination, or being logical and creative? Reading comics, or reading the Bible? Watching movies or watching the world, being vigilant? We know to chose the later. TV is a great evil that is corrupting the lives of American. Do you want your children to watch a bunch of homos? A bunch of men and women who have divorced several times? Who are on drugs and have been charged with crimes? A bunch of women who dress like whores (Ariana Grande, Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez) and men who dress and act like women (Jaden Smith, Justin Bieber, Barack Obama)? What do you want your children to turn out to be? What is raising your children?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Baptists are not Protestant

  Many people believe that if you are a Christian who is not Catholic, then you are Protestant. But this historically is not true. This, I hope, will educate you on how Baptists have historically never been considered or validated to be Protestant.

  Historically, Protestants have persecuted Baptists for their belief that infant baptism and sprinkling is invalid and unscriptural. Martin Luther even signed death warrants for Anabaptists. By March 1530, Luther had publically affirmed his finite vision for the Anabaptists. Zwingli, a Swiss Protestant, persecuted Anabaptists for re-baptizing infants. He made a decree in November 1525 stating “if any be disobedient and stubborn they shall be treated with severity”, in regards towards re-baptizing people. In December 1527, Felix Manz, Henry Reiman, and Jacob Folk, all who were Anabaptists, were put to death by drowning. The counsel decreed “qui mersus feurit mergatur”, or “he who immerses shall be immersed”.  Some Protestants mockingly called this punishment a “third baptism”.

  Baptists were labeled “unlearned”, and treated as criminals. Balthasar Hubmaier and Felix Manz were Anabaptists who were very intelligent. Hubmaier, skilled in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and his native German tongue, was thrown in prison by Zurich Protestants in January 1526. He was tortured repetitively by Protestant officials. He eventually renounced his beliefs being an old, sick, and broken man on April 6th, 1526. He then was summoned to announce his recantation publically at a cathedral. He recanted from his recantation refusing to believe in Catholic and Protestant doctrine shouting, “Infant baptism is not of God, and men must be baptized by faith in Christ!” He immediately was returned to prison.

  The list goes on and on. Baptists have historically, socially, and politically never been considered Protestants until recent years. Based on a better translation of scripture known as the King James Bible and simple context, we know that baptism should be done by immersion. The Greek word “baptizo”, means to “submerge”, or to “immerse”. The Catholic church never has and still does not have this doctrine correct because their scriptures are not based on the original Greek Textus Receptus, but the Latin Vulgate. Even without linguistic skills, the English Bible says in Colossians 2:12-13, “Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.” How can you burry someone by sprinkling dirt on their head three times?  And how can you raise someone who isn’t buried or submerged? The scripture clearly denotes immersion in other places as well. When Christ was Baptized, it says he came “…out of the water” in Matthew 3:16, further assuring immersion.

  It is important that Baptists don’t forget their roots. Protestant denominations have all been started by men such as John Wesley, Martin Luther, and John Calvin. Baptist doctrine came from men who read the Bible for themselves, and believed what it says. There are many differences between us and them in regards to: the autonomy of the local church; the separation of church and state; the priesthood of the believer; the sole authority of God's Word, and individual soul liberty. It is important that we study history carefully to assure a better context for our church history and secular studies. Baptists have historically never been Protestant.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

How to Give Yourself a Biblical Education (Besides Homeschooling)

If you are attending a Public or Private School or Christian School and you have read my last post and you are not able to home school, then I would strongly recommend that you read this post. I'm going to give you fundamental steps on how to educate yourself biblically by giving yourself a proper Biblical Education while still attending any form of schooling.

1)Read you Bible before you eat in the morning.

Matthew 4:4 "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

Train your mind and body to seek God and his instruction first. What better way of doing this before you do anything else in the morning.  This will also teach you to be consistent with reading the word of God.

2) Read your Bible Extensively

1 Peter 2:2 "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:"

Babies are always hungry. We all know that if a baby is crying, it either needs a dipper change, or is hungry. We should always be hungry. Don't expect to grow in the knowledge of God if you only read a Psalm a day or a Chapter a day. I personally read 5 to 10 chapters a day. I am a living witness to those of you who cant get past 10 verses to say that it is possible. Read the entire Bible from cover to cover. How much you read depends on how much you will learn. You will never learn unless you read.

Romans 15:4" For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope."

I would also recommend reading in a quiet and private place for better insight. Also it might not be a good idea to read on your phone unless you can turn off your notifications to limit distractions. 

3) Study your Bible

Studying and reading are two completely different things. Studying means you are seeking knowledge to a certain question. Studying is also very hard.

Ecclesiastes 12:12 " And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh."

You can be done with reading fast, but Studying can take time. And sometimes hours and hours. When studying you might want to have a concordance and an Oxford dictionary (or just use the internet). And to see your progress, keep a journal. Studying is very essential to wisdom and understanding. If you don't study, you don't learn. And if we have a problem with understanding a passage, ask (James 1:5)

4) Meditate on God's Word

This is something that we undermine. And is something that we confuse. Meditating doesn't mean you are chanting. Meditation in the Bible means you are expounding and looking deeper into scripture in your mind. It is another form of study, but done entirely in your mind. The thing with meditation is that it requires that you MEMORIZE scripture. And memorization means you can RECITE scripture. The three go hand and hand. Since we live in such a fast paste society, we just don't have much time to sit down with a Bible for hours. The answer to this problem is memorization. If you memorize scripture, you can freely meditate on it. Meditation can help us solve things we don't understand with that scripture. Memorization, Recitation, and Meditation implies that you understand the Bible and you know it's commandments. God's word says that this is the key to success.

Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

Psalm 77:12 " I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings."

Memorize verses, then chapters, then books, then sections, then testaments, then the Bible.

5) Sing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs (exclusively)

Colossians 3:16 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your heats to the LORD."

Admonish- To warn or reprimand someone firmly.

This should be obvious, but being a friend of the world will not increase wisdom. Worldly and secular music should not come out of your tongue or go into your ears.  The Bible teaches that we are to be separate, not conformed to the world.  Furthermore, singing is what the Bible says we should do to grow in learning. And if you sing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, this means that you are LEARING something. You should learn doctrine and scripture when singing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs. God created music for the purpose of Worship and teaching. God did not create music for mantra or self-glory. God created music for himself and already told us what it should sound like and what instruments to use when singing it. Singing to God will increase your wisdom.

6) Soul-Winning

Proverbs 11:30 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise."

Soul-Winning is not only a commandment, but also a benefit (as with all of God's commandments). I can testify that soul-winning does increase wisdom. Just think about it, you have to memorize the location of scriptures to show people verses on salvation; you have to then show them scripture on what happens if we don't accept Christ; afterwards you have to have a good ground in scripture to be able to answer any questions or confront any false doctrine the person may believe. These are all components of salvation. And the only way to grow in these things is to go soul-winning. The last one could take time to develop, but learning the other two are essential. Soul-winning builds character, communication, and other social skills. You will also enhance your perception skills and we know that Jesus "perceived" various times in the Bible (Matthew 13:14, Mark 2:8, Mark 4:12, Mark 7:18, Mark 8:17, Luke 8:46,  Luke 5:22, etc.) He that wins souls is wise.

7) Go to Church

1 Timothy 3:15 " But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."

Church is where you will receive most of your Biblical Education. It should have the Word of God, Preaching, Soul-Winning, Singing, and Study. This is the ultimate way to increase your knowledge.

1 Timothy 4:13 "Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine."

Reading- You verbally read God's Word to the Congregation (Nehemiah 8:2-3,  Deuteronomy 4:1-6, Luke 4:17-21

Exhortation- You encourage the congregation to follow the Bible (Joshua 1:7,9, Psalm 11:1, Psalm 1:1-2)

Doctrine- You teach God's word (1 Timothy 5:17, 2 Timothy 3:16, John17:17, Matthew 28:19-20, 1 Peter 3:15)

Church is where most of our Biblical Education should come from giving that it is a commandment (Hebrews 10:25). Even though we need not that any man should teach us (1 John 2:27) we still must assemble anyway.

Obey God!

How to Get a Biblical Education

In High School, many kids are being told by their secular teachers who do not fear God telling them what do with their lives, and to College for their success. But what does the Bible have to say about receiving a Biblical Education?

The Bible teaches that our parents are supposed to teach us.

Proverbs 1:8-9 "My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother: For they shall be an ornament of grace upon thy head, and chains about thy neck."

In fact, the book of proverbs is mainly being told to a child by his parents. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 tells us how we are to teach our children.  Allowing the government and secular atheist teachers to teach and train your children is not biblical. God want's Christian children to receive an education from their parents. 

Proverbs 13:1 "A wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke."
Proverbs 15:5 " A fool despiseth his father's instruction: but he that regardeth reproof is prudent"

The word "instruction" in the Bible is referring to an "education". The very definition of education by Oxford's dictionary is "The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction..."

The Bible also teaches that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.

Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction".

So if Public  Schooling isn't starting from the fear of the LORD, that means that they are not feeding your child wisdom, but foolishness. (Evolution, Environmentalism, Feminism, Pluralism, Satanism, Relativism, etc.)

Why would you want your Christian child to learn any of these things? Teach your child the fear of the LORD.

Psalm 34:11 "Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD."

The Bible teaches that men are to leave father and mother and cleave to our wives, not to a university.

Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother , and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Matthew 19:5 "And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?"

As long as a child is not married, he is still under his parents authority and rule. But when he or she gets married, then they leave father and mother and cleave to one another being one flesh. So how can we apply this to today? Easy, my son and especially not my daughter will ever be shipped halfway across the country to attend "Hell Satan University". And Bible College is even worse. There they teach you false doctrine. And it's already conformed to the world. NOWHERE in scripture do we find a child being shipped across the land for his/her biblical education.

The Bible teaches that the Church is the Pillar and Ground for the truth.

1 Timothy 3:15 "But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."

Bible Seminary or Bible College is not the "pillar and ground of the truth", the church is. I'm not amazed that so many of today's liberal and false prophets are coming out of Bible College corrupting God's word. (Rick Warren, James White,Rodney Maiden, TD Jakes, Billy Graham, etc.)

The Church is the Pillar and ground for the truth, and the church is supposed to train, and ordain Pastors, not Bible colleges, or seminaries. JUST THE CHURCH!

Even Christian School has it's issue because it doesn't line up with scripture, and it couldn't function just like any other school without birth control which is making women and men whores and whoremongers. Women don't want children so they can lie or indoctrinate your children, especially your sons ( See my blogpost "The Feminization of Boys"). Women according to Titus 2:5 are to marry, BEAR CHILDREN (Genesis 1:28), and GUIDE the HOUSE. Married women who work are not keeping this command by working eight hours a day and not having children. Single women are applying for jobs that damage other people. 

Fathers and Mothers, teach your children.