Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Zika Hoax

 The Zika virus is one of the many hoaxes brought up by the globalist elite to control population numbers and control the world. Brain deformation is not caused by the Zika virus. The microcephaly is being caused by the fumigation to poor Brazilian families. The traces of the microcephaly are actually related to the prescribed drug thalidomide which is given to pregnant women that is known to cause children to be born with missing limbs.
 The drug company doesn't want their harmful medicine that damages baby's limbs to stop being sold. So they produced a genetically modified mosquito in order for people to buy more of their drugs, vaccines, and harmful chemicals. The government and the media are playing a big role in this "Zika Virus Propaganda" when there is no scientific evidence that there is any link between the deformation  in babies, and the GM mosquitoes.
 The government has a lot to do with this scam too. The areas in which people have been infected with the "Zika Virus" is also the areas that have received the most pesticides. One being a larvicide (pyroproxyfen)  being applied to control the number of mosquitoes for about eight months. The larvicide causes malformations in the mosquito. Now this same larvicide that causes malformations in mosquitoes is also being applied to the areas water system by the government. The GM mosquitoes are the cover up for the big picture. The larvicide is defined as a "growth inhibitor" of mosquito larvae, which alters the development process from larva to pupa to adult thus generating malformations in developing mosquitoes which kills or disables them.
 Hmm.. a growth inhibitor? Like the heads of children? You mean microcephaly? That's right, this same pesticide that is being used on mosquitoes is contaminating the water system infecting thousands of pregnant women with this so-called "Zika Virus" from mosquitoes. More like for mosquitoes. This growth inhibitor is undoubtedly affecting the cranial and neurological development of infants.
 Now the Zika virus is a real virus. It's just not causing all this head deficiency. In fact, there have been Zika cases in the United States. And guess what, it didn't cause malformations. Previous Zika Virus epidemics caused no birth defects in newborns in spite of infecting 75% of the population. This just proves that the government/media and pesticide company are linking the virus toward the GM mosquitoes to sell more of their products, and more of their drugs 'til the point of vaccination. The company sells the government the larvicide; then the government sprays it and contaminates the water supply; people get infected; the company blames it on the mosquitoes; people pay company and government (taxes), to fix their problem. Hey, I'm just saying, the government has already called for $1.8 billion in government handouts to vaccine companies. And of course the companies probably  give profit to the government to continue to spray the pesticide.
 Now where do the GM mosquitoes come into play in all of this? Well, the company that makes them is in England and is named Oxitec. They are sold to decrease the aedes population. So far, about 15 million of these GM mosquitoes have been released. The job is done by putting a lethal genus inside a male mosquito to kill off the female's larvae. The problem with this is that when the male fertilizes the female egg, the female contracts the lethal genus. After fertilization, female mosquitoes seek out blood for the newly fertilized egg, thus spreading the lethal genus to millions of people from the millions of impregnated female mosquitoes, from the millions of GM male mosquitoes, from the pesticide company, from the Oxitec company. The elite created chaos to solve the present chaos. So to them, the way to fix a problem isn't to stop what's causing it. You just create another problem? Is this the wisdom of this world? God says that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to Him.
 The real goal of all this is one concept, two words: Population Control. This is just another scam to lead us to the New World Order.

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