Thursday, April 28, 2016

Email I Sent to Black Lives Matter Website

Hello, I am a young African American man. And I would like to comment on your "movement". What you are promoting is apart from what God says in his Word the KJV Bible. The Bible teaches that all lives matter and that race doesn't matter. God doesn't care if your eyes are blue, if your hair is blond, or if your skin is black. It is only a characteristic. Acts 17:26 says all the nations are of one blood. And Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:32 says queers should be put to death. And the Bible teaches that women are supposed to keep the home and obey their  husbands in Titus 2:5. The founder of this satanic movement that is encouraging this thug, queer, and feminist trash will not prosper. God will burn you in hell if you do not Trust in Jesus as your saviour.  Unless you trust the Word of God, you will perish. Fear God.

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