Monday, April 4, 2016

Gun Control

                                                                             Gun Control

  This is probably one of the biggest conservative wars besides gay marriage. Gun control holds many lies, misconceptions, and deceptions that permeate our nation and the surrounding nations of the world. This is one of the most elongated topics in our media that has been echoing for years. But after all these lies and deceptions, guns are needed. In fact, more guns are needed to prevent the causes of undesirable deaths and massacres.

   Statistically, it is proven that more guns equals less crime. Our media on the other hand doesnt quite think so. Anchormen like Peers Morgan are anti-constitutional when it comes to the rights of our nation. They demonize people with opposing conclusions to theirs by using mass shootings and their own confidential statistics to promote their own global agenda. Our media has a long history of influencing our philosophy on certain contentions. Propaganda, criticism, and financial promotion all play a role in the average Americans frequent brainwashing. These are simple steps that our media and government use to promote their ideology. First, chaos is started by a means of financial backing, bribery, or manipulation. Then propaganda quickly arrives to every American through their television screens to brainwash and influence their primary intake on the calamity. Lastly the conclusion on the outtake is reiterated various times through social media, public figures, and government leaders and this creates national pressure on individuals who carry a conclusion to the matter contradictory to what the general public assumes. These steps may seem absurd, but the media and government utilize these steps every single time they want to get us to believe their theory ill 9/11.

 The reason why our founding fathers instituted the second ammendment was not for the purpose of duck hunting, but rather to protect ourselves from the posibility of a tyrannical government. One of the so-called "assault" weapons that is facing scrutiny is the semi-automatic and automatic AK- 47. I am not in favor of banning any guns. I am also not in favor of background checks as our second ammendment states that the right should "not be infringed". Yet because of this guns use in massive shootings it is undergoing negativity when handguns statistically kill more people. So after suppossedly banning AK-47's whats next? Handguns.  And after that will we ban knives? Will we ban bats? Will we ban forks?  And will we ban pencils? The problem we face is not in the guns. You cant blame your pen because you got an F on your test. We as a people need to realize that guns dont kill men, men kill men. We are our enemies.  This is why Jesus instituted the death penalty. If people just go around murdering people and see that they can kill people and live, they are going to kill people.  This is just common sense.

  The problem is not the guns, its simply disobedience to God. We are trying to solve controversial issues by secular God-Hating means. The answer isnt going to be found in the U.S Constitution. The answer is found in the Bible.  We want to reject Jesus and expect nothing to happen to our nation. The Bible teaches that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom". No wonder why our media and politics are so foolish and inconsiderate when it comes to gun control and other issues. We like to treat the symptoms, not the problem. The Bible says "blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" in Pslam 33:12. We shouldnt expect blessing without God.

 People will continue to die in this cursed nation if we continue turn away from God. This nation is reprobate and evil. Gun Control is just one of the problems we are facing.  Abortion, sodomite marriage, and border-checkpoints are other problems we are in opposition to. But it is reasonably concluded that more guns equals less crime. What more awaits for 2016? Either we turn from our sin or we hate Jesus more, who is the Savior of the World.

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