Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Feminization of Boys

 American society is degrading rapidly as the leaders of the nation are becoming women both theoretically and physically.
 Manhood in our society is decreasing. Feminism has caused men to shield up and be told they need to be more sensitive, still, quiet, and emotional. Basically women. I can tell you from personal boyhood experience that what our culture is experiencing today is disgusting in regards to manliness. I want to tackle separate areas where boyhood and manliness is being attacked.
  Public and Concept schooling is the first obvious target since 85% of teachers are women. The Bible clearly  teaches in Titus 2:3-5 that women are supposed to teach women. And 1 Timothy 2:11-12 says that women should not be teaching men. Men are to teach men and women. Women are exclusively supposed to teach other women. Now lets look at some anecdotal evidence for why this is true. Firstly, it has been psychologically proven that Public Schooling is mentally and physically designed for girls. A boy who cant sit still for long periods of time or pay attention is mentally deficient and is diagnosed with ADHD and has to be drugged with Ritalin. It's not the ADHD it's the BOY. Neurologically, boys are more aggressive and do not want to sit still like girls for 8 hours everyday. Studies have shown that boys are doing bad in school. Many of them not able to read, depressed, irritated, and stressed. And to add to the calamity, some schools are even substituting gym for other electives like art in elementary and middle school. And to go even farther, recess is being removed in middle school just when boys are starting to enter puberty. School is not properly disciplining boys either. Treating them like girls. Boys make fun of one another and don't hold grudges. Yet our feminist teachers thing boys are basically chimp females that need to learn everything about girl psychiatrics. To be sensitive, caring, nurturing, and a "house-man".With feminism putting women in the workforce, boys are flooding to day cares where their masculine depravity begins.
  Technology is also playing a major role in boys becoming girls. Growing up as a normal boy, the great outdoors is where all the fun was and still is. Sneaking into construction sites, going into the woods, digging holes, exploring abandoned houses, running around, wrestling, stick fights, slingshots, and playing in junkyards were all part of my childhood as a boy. Today all the adventure doesn't come with leadership attributes, physical strength, determination, courage, and good old dirt, but this is all placed in a screen that has negative effects on the brain and causes boys to have a "spectator" rather than a "gladiator" mentality. Boys need that gladiator mentality. Repeated screen time also based on science and common sense causes boys to be lazy. And since boys find comfort from the outside world, video games and arcade quarters carry on into a shameful manhood. And if you are a male reading this blog, my challenge to you is to put your damn phone and remote down and go on a hike! Work! Do something PRODUCTIVE! Low self-confidence amongst boys and teenage boys has a lot to do with the misuse of technology. Since we are absorbed in this digital world where all women are fat in the right places, we raise our standard of beauty to that which hardly any woman can meet. What is the effect? Pornography. The Bible teaches that men are to LABOUR (Proverbs 12:14, 2 Corinthians 15:58). And if you don't work you don't eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10). And that men are to be courageous (Joshua 1:9), and intelligent (Proverbs 2:1-5). But Television says men are stupid lazy gluttonous drunks who need their wives to make their decisions because they act like children. Total disgust for a man.
 Fashion is probably the most perverted path to a boys girlhood. Now here is one of the main problems that is prevalent amongst the male clothing line. Skinny jeans. In our society, somehow wearing the tightest fitting pants to apparently reduce the fat of your leg and basically have bird legs, is seen as normal. Song of Solomon 5:15 says,

"15 His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars."

Now this of course is talking about a man. Solomon the son of David. And he wasn't some bird legged sissy pouncing around with sissy jeans. He was a godly man who feared and served God with wisdom and loved and was committed to his wife. His legs were like PILLARS OF MARBLE! Now how do you get strength in your legs? How do you substitute the wimpy chicken legs for the powerful lion muscle? Work. And that basically applies to the whole male sissy line. You see women are not made to work hard. They are not build for physical activity. God made WOMAN to keep the home CLEAN. God made MAN to till the FIELD with the SWEAT of his FACE. This can be found in Titus 2:5 and Genesis3:17-19. Key words for men are sweat, field, and face. Here are the key words to a mans fashion. Dress simple. Don't dress like you're going to a party everyday. Be modest like the Bible commands in 1Timothy 2:9 (God expects women to have this problem). Stop buying $100 pairs of shoes. Stop buying Abercrombie and Fitch. STOP WEARING SKINNY JEANS! Dress professionally. This goes with actually looking like you are ready to work. Dress in clothes you can sweat in. On Saturdays, and even when you have free time to probably take off your work clothes, don't wear the most fanciest clothing to where you look like you should just stay in the house with the women. Overall, just don't conform to the world. Don't wear Jaden Smith's skirts, or Justin Bieber's underwear. Dress like a man.
 Appearance is the second to last factor I want to talk about. And yes, this has to do with mirrors. Stop being feminized young men. Get out of your cameras, mirrors, windows, combs and gels. Now obviously it is not boyish or manly for a man to act like a woman checking his hair whenever he sees his reflection. So why is this feminine? Well the Bible says that men are to have short hair and women are to have long hair in 1 Corinthians 11:14-15. So that eliminates the most of the gels, picks, combs, and texturizers. But there is something more. If you read your Bible cover to cover, you will find men dong some crazy things. Isaiah was told to preach while he was naked. Jonah got covered in wale vomit and then had to do preach to a wicked city. Elijah was fed by ravens and drunk from a brook . Jeremiah had to stay in a dungeon. Daniel had to face lions. Jacob wrestled with God and got a dislocated hip.The priests had to do a lot of blood and gut work with the sacrifices. Paul went shipwreck. The disciples walked around without shoes and one pair of clothing as Jesus commanded. And Jesus was beaten to the point where he was unrecognizable. Now do you think these courageous, fearless, peculiar, and godly men cared so much about their appearance? The list can go on and on. These men make our American Marines look like Tennis player. They could care less about what people thought about them. So my tip to you gentlemen is to put on clothes, look decent, and not worry about how you look.
 My final and last factor that I would like to discuss in regards to manhood. And this mainly applies to teenagers and young men, is to be successful and married. Now biblically marriage is a success. I only include marriage by itself because many teenage boys don't see marriage as a success. Proverbs 18:22 says, "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD." God says if you are a married man, you are favoured. And this ties in with confidence. Men need confidence. Without it you can't fight. You can't compete. And you can't approach a girl. Don't let feminism tell you how to approach a girl Don't approach them acting like sensitive, emotional, or "cute" 12-year olds. Approach the girl of your dreams with style, confidence, fire, and the thought of obtaining favour in the LORD.
 The other side of success, or the main side, is reading your Bible. Joshua 1:8 says,

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

 Reading your Bible cover to cover, over and over again is the manliest thing you can do. Meditating on scripture. Singing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs exclusively. And memorizing large portions of the Bible is what a man is commanded to do as the spiritual leader of his home. Boys, we need to read our Bible cover to cover to grow up to be wise men. I challenge you to put down your damned phone that is literally killing your brain cells and read your Bible like you read your Instagram comments. Carry the Word of God wherever you go. Whether in book, heart, or song. Like it says in 1 Corinthians 16:13, "quit you like men."

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