Saturday, July 2, 2016

Real Revival

 Since May, me and my family have been going soul-winning in our neighbourhood. We have to have knocked at least 120 doors and gotten a total of about 20 people saved. We started out going once a week on Sundays. But now we go three times a week on Sundays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I can honestly say that soul-winning is one of the best things (given that it is a commandment) that a Christian can ever do. I absolutely love it. But for some reason, so many Christians don't. Many scriptures (Acts 20:20, Luke 10, Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 14:23) clearly command Christians to go soul-winning. However, Churches don't have time for soul-winning; Churches have more interest in "revival".
 For some odd reason, Churches want to mourn because we live in a sinful world; preach watered down sermons that don't touch on sin; invite people to church and call that soul-winning; vote republican, and then go home feeling "motivated" after each Sunday morning. This is not the ingredient to revival. The ingredient is for Pastors to preach hard against sin with the faithful King James Bible in their hands. Churches want to purposely bring in unrepentant fornicators, drunkards, and whores because they interpret the Church as being a hospital, when God said that Church is for Christians and cast out the unrepentant  fornicators (1 Corinthians 5). Church is not a hospital, it's a battle headquarters for Christians to fight against sin. Inviting someone to Church is not soul-winning. Since the Church is being geared towards the unsaved (the alter call), rather than towards believers, believers are not experiencing any teaching and growth. Every single sermon on Sunday is about Jesus; not that it's wrong. But 1 Timothy 4 commands Pastors to preach the Word in season and out of season. Jesus Christ is the Word of God (John 1:1). And the Word of God isn't just the four gospels.
 Pastors are to blame for the sin of our nation. They chose to be entrusted with preaching the Word of God. Luke 12:48 says "...For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." The Word of God is what created the world. The Word of God is what gave man breath. It's what created the stars, planets, and galaxies. The earth, sea, and beast. Through man it was written, through mouths it was preached. Pastors have that exact same Word as long as they have the King James Bible. They have been entrusted with much.
 Even though God is up in heaven wondering why Pastors are such wimps when they are supposed to be studying his word everyday, Pastors for some odd reason feel that what they are preaching is what God wants. They want to blame us for being lazy when they are crazy for thinking that they are anything like what God wants a prophet to be. Isaiah 58:1, and Ezekiel 6:11, and Matthew 14:1-5 are some scriptures that show how the prophets of that time were preaching. Trust me, they wouldn't dare use a glass pulpit. Notice that most of the time the Pastors or Prophets were preaching very negative sermons. Jesus preached more on hell than any other prophet. Jesus called the Pharisees  names like "vipers", "blind", "hypocrites". Jesus said they were white sepulchres full of dead bones. They were called "children of the Devil" in John 8:44. Jesus was not a motivational speaker. he was a hair-legged man who preached hard against sin. Jesus said in Luke 19:27, "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." Jesus was not a long-haired hippie who flocked around in a dress. If Pastors would read Revelation 19 they would know that. The reason why our nation is like it is today is because Pastors don't preach against sin. They welcome it. If Pastors preached against the faggots, then we wouldn't have this problem today. If they preached against abortion, we wouldn't have this problem today.
 We want to pretend that reprobates can get saved. HOMOSEXUALS CANNOT BE SAVED!!! READ ROMANS 1 AND LEVITICUS 20:13!!! We are ruining our testimony to thousands of Muslims for the sake of 1% of homosexuals. We are ruining our testimony to millions of Africans, for the sake of paedophiles. This is the kind of foolishness that happens when Pastors don't want to obey God.
 Since our leaders are sissies, that means that their flocks are going to be unprotected. They run the other way when they see the wolf. They don't stand and fight it (John 10:11-14). Christians today want to give 100% of their emotion to love not realizing that God commands us to hate. And God never said "love the sin, hate the sinner"; that's what Ghandi said.  God said that he hates the person too (Psalm 11:5, Psalm 5:5, Psalm 10:3, Hosea 9:14-17). The flock is growing weaker and weaker. While the Pastors are being destroyed by money and covetousness, the flock is being destroyed through laziness, and stupidity. Jeremiah 4:22 says,

 "For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge."

Hosea 4:6 says,
  " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."

 I'm sorry to break it to ya, but you learning about your salvation every Sunday isn't going to get you very far. If you want to teach salvation, go soul-winning like the Bible commands. It is a shame that there are many doctrines that will never be taught, and many scriptures that will always be ignored. But thank God that there are still Baptist Pastors that preach the truth regardless of what the Judas Iscariots say. I pray that one day I can become a Pastor so that I can preach the gospel to the unsaved and doctrine to the saved.
 God isn't sorry that his Word isn't politically correct. HE MADE IT THAT WAY!!! Jesus was hated, so we as Christians shouldn't expect any better treatment. Real Revival will happen when Christians stop being lazy. If our master was hated by the world and called Beelzebub, then I expect even worse being his servant. The truth is that Pastors are too effeminate to handle a real revival. They want to vote republican and pretend that God cares about politics. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 3:17 "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." Every time you win a soul to Christ, you are casting your vote for Jesus Christ. Every time you knock a door, your campaigning for the lamb. You want revival, STOP VOTING FOR JACKASSES AND ELEPHANTS AND VOTE FOR THE LAMB!!!!!!!!!!
                                                                                                    -God bless.

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