We have all heard the story of how Miriam, Moses' sister made racial remarks to his wife Zipporah because she was Ethiopian, and for this God smote Miriam with leprosy (Numbers Chapter 12). And Acts 17:26 says, "And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;"
We all know that God is not racist. More than that, God does not believe in race; man created race. Karl Marx invented the use of the term "race" to describe different people with different features. The full title of one of his books is "On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life Kindle Edition." To understand how these people thought, we have to understand that "race" did not mean what it means today. Race back then meant an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species, or a breeding stock of animals. By you calling black or white people for example, a different race, you are saying that you are not of the same kind. That you both are different animals. That you cannot produce offspring with each other. Just as a lion cannot have cubs with a bear, you are saying the same rule applies to black, white, Asian, or Hispanic people. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse Tong were all evolutionists that believed in the notion that humans are evolved beings and that some evolved more rapidly than others, thereby signifying that they did not share the same blood (as the Bible teaches), but that they were all different in terms of Social Darwinism.
How funny is it that everyone thought that they were an advanced "race". The Japanese thought they were more advanced because they had less hair on their bodies, meaning that they had evolved the farthest from their ape relatives so-called. The Germans, Russians, and Americans all believed that we were an "advanced race" and that we have to conquer the world. Evolution is not just a dangerous philosophy, but also a stupid religion of convenience that gives man an excuse to try and gain dominance over the entire world.
If we saw a red cow, a yellow cow, a black cow, and a white cow we wouldn't say that they were different races of cow. We would say they are different colours of cows. There are not multiple races of cow. There is just the cow. This same rule applies with us. We are not different races of humans. There is only one race called "the human race".
Evolution is the reason why racism exists today. Kids are taught Social Darwinism at an early age. Public School is already a communist institution (see Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto). Children are being taught that we all evolved from dirt which came from nothing in the name of "science". Creation is science, evolution is pseudoscience. We are so conditioned that some people don't even feel comfortable being around someone that has a different skin colour. Racism is just as stupid as someone discriminating because of eye colour, and hair colour because they are JUST COLOURS! Where do you get race from having a different genetic feature? I know where you get it from; Satan.
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