I just wanted to make a post on how I believe Drivers Licenses and any other government regulatory laws should not exist. The Bible says that "the law of the Lord is perfect" (Psalm 19:7) and God's law doesn't include the government trying to make sure my child is in a seatbelt. Government is only supposed to investigate crime, punish evildoers, and praise those who do well. I don't need Mr. Beer Belly giving me a fine because I wasn't wearing a seatbelt. You know when the government should get involved; accidents (to make sure that the aggressor pays), and murder (to put to death a driver that takes someone else's life). "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." (Genesis 9:6). I should not be punished because I don't have my child in a seatbelt. That is MY CHILD NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S. Mr. Beer Belly can go to hell before he tries to tell me what I need to do with my family.
Drivers Licenses, Fishing Licenses, Vehicle Registration, Insurance, and Birth Certificates are just communist identification methods the government uses to document people. Why does the government need to know when I was born? Why do I need a license to eat food? Why do I have to pay for MY vehicle? The government is conditioning it's citizens to get use to all their control. We would not need police if the police weren't trying to take our guns. To them you're guilty 'till proven innocent. Since your guilty, they don't want you walking around with a gun. Now I'm not saying that it is wrong for a man to be in law enforcement. I wouldn't recommend it, but a man has to provide for his family. But if I were ever given an order contrary to the Bible, and the Constitution, I would not follow that order. One example would be taking someone's child away which is COMPLETELY UNBIBLICAL! Another example would be forcing drivers to give me their identification (border patrol) like we are in communist Germany.
It's hard to be in law enforcement when law enforcement is so expansive and aggressive. I don't believe that the police should even exist. The police DO NOT STOP CRIME, they HELP CRIME! The police arrive after the crime has happened. If there were not a police, then people would be smart and get themselves a gun of their choice so that way crime could actually be nipped in the bud, rather than put in a folder. But now since we have police, we want to just rely on them to protect us. This is why people don't like guns, because they think that they are reserved for Big Daddy Government. Guess what, if everyone relies on the cops for protection, giving up their natural right to defend themselves, then sooner or later guns will be banned.
Hollywood is doing a great job of showing how wonderful and heroic law enforcement is. Movies like "American Sniper" are just loved by the brainwashed idiots of our nation. Look, you expect me to praise some guy who shoots people in the head all day? Someone who not only occasionally misses and shoots the WRONG PEOPLE, but also doesn't even give a fair fight. Or the heroic movie "White House Down". Don't be just want to protect our beloved faggot President Barack Obama. And don't forget "Law and Order". Don't you just want to get a kick out of looking at cops "enforce laws" and "stop crime". "Batman the Dark Knight Rises", and "The Amazing Spiderman" just show kids how cool it is to help the cops. You can even be a superhero if you do it.
I'm not buying any of this garbage. This is all just part of communism. Get people to feel inferior, then here comes superior government to the rescue. Satan needs to get people to be dependent on one thing. Satan cant rule if everyone is focused and relying on different things. Satan (go-figure) is using government to condition people to feel as though they need government in areas where they do not. We do not need government in our schools, cars, jobs, houses, and most importantly, the things that we OWN! Who gives government the right to tell me what I need to buy (insurance)? God certainly didn't. Government is supposed to serve me. It's suppose to help me. Yet I am a servant to government. I somehow owe the government money because they chose to have a Federal Reserve? The Bible says "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." in Proverbs 22:7. The reason why the United States government needs so much money, is because they are a servant to someone. That someone is the Jewish Federal Reserve. The "Federal" Reserve is what influences our government. Long story short, our government is one of the many that owes them a LOT of MONEY. The government has to bully his citizens around because the government they're in so much debt from getting involved in wars they didn't need to be in. For this cause, our government will collapse. Every government will eventually collapse because of the debt. Our money is worth no more than a button on a shirt because of all the interest the banks charge. Over 95% of our money is debt and debt has to be paid.
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