Wednesday, March 2, 2016

We Have God's Word Today Hymn

Stanza 1:

From the mouth of God to the prophet’s pen
Copied down through generations by faithful men
Genesis to Revelation by his providential hand
Were written then preserved through the tool of sinful man


Pure and perfect, true and whole
O God-breathed Text passed down from of old
From the Tyndale Bible to the King James
We have God’s Word today

Stanza 2:
We can hold His Word right in our hands
We don’t need to learn the Greek to understand
He can speak in our own language like the day of Pentecost
As He guides into all truth, by his Spirit we are taught

Stanza 3:

God preserved his Word and we have it now
But for filthy lucre’s sake the counterfeits abound
They change and take away from the Holy Words received
But we have a sure foundation and we will not be deceived

Stanza 4:

Each precious word, not one was lost
And to bring the Bible to us the martyrs paid the cost
And though many now neglect it, let us pick it up and read
For it holds the truth eternal for the heart that will receive

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