Saturday, April 16, 2016

Science Falsely So Called

 1 Timothy 6:20-21 reads,  "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called. Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. A-men'."

Our world today has this abstract view that evolution is the source of all animals and human beings. I remember when I was in school and my teacher always would say " humans and other animals". Not humans and animals". By using "other" your putting humans in the category of animals. The very idea that humans and animals are related comes from the false view of evolution. I listen as a Christian to a lot of Kent Hovind's seminars. I would recommend first that a Saint read the entire bible and then listen to the seminars and that you not use his seminars to evangelize to other people. All we need to bring is the gospel. But I'm not going to use any of his information from the seminars to debunk evolution. That would be redundant because you can look at his seminars on YouTube.
 All I'm going to use is the Bible to debunk evolution, because the Bible is the highest authority on this earth with every other truth subject to it.
  Now before I get into the argument, one of the things that your evolutionist friends will try to say is that evolution is science. Even my high school history teacher told me that evolution has all this evidence backing it up. Now again, revert to Kent Hovind's seminars for extra information on the more scientific side of the spectrum. But this address is for Christians who believe in evolution. And I'm using the Bible to disprove evolution because the Bible is scientifically accurate and evolution is scientifically stupid. Let's compare the two.

1) Evolution teaches that we came from a rock that came from nothing. It was just some random atom floating in space that came from nothing. Now this is not science at all. This is stupid. The Bible teaches that we came from God. Now if you are a Christian and you believe in Evolution, I don't know if you are even saved because you cant even believe Genesis 1:1. How are you gonna get to the gospels?

2)Evolution says we came from a monkey which came from chemical soup, which came from nothing. The Bible teaches that God created man from the ground (Genesis 2:9)the birds, and fish  from the water (Genesis 1:20) and the beasts from the ground (Genesis 1:24). Now if life started from nothing can we say this idea is Science? What are the chances of you having 72 sets of the alphabet's letters, dropping them on the ground, and making a paragraph of correctly spelled words, and correct grammar? Like zero. Those are the same chances of a bunch of 1million random chemicals making something like bacteria. Even the most single cell organisms are completely complex. Are you starting to see how stupid this theory is.

3)Evolution promotes racism, Nazism,  and communism. If you don't know the COMPLETE title of Darwin's book it's  “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life". Darwin was a racist and believed that white people were more evolved than black or brown people. This concept sounds just like the communism of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin. All three of these tyrants believed in evolution. Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin believed their "races" to be superior to others. Thus they thought their "race" would evolve to control the world. That "nature" would "select" them to be at the top of the food chain. According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary of 1828, race is defined as an "inbreeding species". By saying that someone is of a different race, you are saying that they are a different species. That you are a different "animal" than they are. This is why people did the things they did to Africans. People thought they were not human. You see there are not different "races" of man. Man makes up one race called the human race or the biblical term "mankind". Every man is the same kind of man. There are not different kinds of man. Evolution stems violence and hatred of mankind. People like Dylann Roof, a Nazi, are the kind of people who take evolution to heart. Evolution promotes communism because since evolution takes God out of the equation and puts man there, that means that man is god. Man makes rules. Man decides what is right and wrong. Man is all powerful . Man is worshipped. Man is in total control. This is the very root of communism and totalitarianism.
  We know that the Bible teaches that all the nations of men  are of one blood (Acts 17:26). Who cares if you're black man and you marry a white woman. The reason people have this grudge is because they actually believe we are different "races". The Bible is obviously here so we have our rules, precepts, and guidelines thus destroying communism for a more libertarian government of private property(Matthew 16:27), righteous judgement(Deuteronomy 1:170),  inheritance rights(Proverbs 13:22), and an absence of all socialism (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

 These are just some key points on the lie of evolution. After all this I still wonder why it is taught in School. It should be banned from all required education. It is a lie and the root of WWII. The idea should have been buried with Hitler a long time ago. Don't believe in the Devil's lie.

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