Sunday, February 28, 2016

Why Feminism is Destroying the World

 Many women and men today agree with this imaginary belief that women and men are the same. Yet the Bible has something completely different to say in regards to the doctrines of feminism. When God created man and women, he gave the man the responsibility to work by the sweat of his face and he gave the woman domestic responsibilities.  Our world today is against Christ. Feminism, this evil of Satan, is destroying America and the homes of the world.

  The Bible clearly teaches in Genesis 1:28 that men and women are supposed to be fruitful and multiply. 1 Timothy 5:14 say "I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully." The average fertility rate for the world is 2.43. Birth control has turned the women of our society into whores. Today, because we believe the lie that the world is overpopulated, children are looked down upon and are aborted. More children are being put in childcare facilities than ever before. By age 20, 75% of Americans have already had premarital sex. That number rises up to 95% by the age of 44. Feminism, of course, plays a deep role in this deteriorating of society. As women lose their values and move into the workforce, the home is left broken. Women are supposed to marry, bear children, and keep the home. Women and men are not socially equal.

  Another form of equality that feminism fancy's itself is political equality. Let me tell you why I will never vote for Hillary Clinton. It is because she is a woman and God laid out a different role in government for men and women. 1 Timothy 2:12 says, "I suffer not a woman to teach, not to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence". Women are not to usurp authority over the man. This is why I do not believe that women should have the right to vote. A democracy is when the people rule the government. What makes you think I want a bunch of women ruling over me. This is the reason why women were not allowed to vote in the United States. John Adams, one of the members of the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence rejected the idea that women had equal rights as men. Abigail, his wife, sent him letters urging women to have equal rights. In one letter she states, "We are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound to any laws in which we have no representation". We see here that not only is the feminist movement absurd, but it is also rebellious. John Adams did not leave the tyranny of England for the tyranny of women. Many people do not know this, but Eve was the first feminist. Because of her stepping out of line in the Garden of Eden, and the man, Adam, being passive like so many men today, their error is the reason why we are living in this world today. That error is feminism. I am against women's rights. The rights they are talking about is the right to divorce their husbands, disobey their husbands, abandon their children at home, and marry themselves. Women are not politically equal.

  Last but not least, women do not have equal economic rights. If I were a boss who had married women working at the company with men, I would not pay them the same amount that I am paying the men. This is because the women are MARRIED! They already should have men working and providing for their homes. I am going to pay men more because they are the sole providers who need to care for their families. Unless a woman is not married, she would not receive the same pay as a providing husband. Married women ought to have working men. They should be at home, a housewife.

  Feminism is one of the things ruining our society because it is putting women into men positions. It should be called “masculism” because feminism is basically making women into men. Women today may not know this, but there is great respect, and ought to be great respect for housewives. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Yet today, women want to join the military to fight men ordained wars. Since the home has been forgotten and we have shipped our children to the wicked at public school, our society as we know it is degenerating. I know that men have not offered the owed respect unto women in the past. But in God's eyes women are still vessels of honour and should be treated that way. When women didn't have the rights they have today they always bragged about how they would change the world. Where is the change? Abortion, Sodomite marriage, and drug legalizations? Is this what they bragged about? As one man said, "women's suffrage was gained in 1920, and we have been suffering ever since!" Women have the power to change the world. So much power that they control the population of it. God has given women their own unique power and responsibility, and you don't have to be a man to live up to it. This is why feminism is destroying the homes of the world.

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