Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Sins of Movie Theatres

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"I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me"  -Psalm 101:3

 The primary  sin of going to the movie theatre is what you are watching. Today, movies are filled with smut and garbage that God hates. Whether you're watching "Man of Steel"  or "Grown Ups", movies are filled with blasphemous slurs against Christ, and abominable acts of sin.
  A lot of people only pay attention to swear words when it comes to 'little ears'. But that is the least of your problems. The taking of God's name in vain is what you ought to be concerned about. I know so many Christians who watch movies that use blasphemous terms against Christ. As they watch these movies, they too start to take God's name in vain. God said in Exodus 20:7 that he wouldn't hold you guiltless if you take his name in vain. This is the first sin of the movie theatre. They allow and promote the blasphemy of Jesus Christ.
  The second sin of the movie theatre is that you are watching sin. There is a fornication, sodomite, and adultery scene in nearly every movie. The movies aren't getting better folks. God said that we ought not to put wicked things before our eyes.
 Now a lot of people will look at the rating of a movie. "G", "PG" or even "PG-13"  will probably be your excuse as to why you can watch movies. As long as they are not "R" rated. "PG-13" movies will include the use of profanity, violence, and sexual content. All of these things are sin. Ephesians 4:29 says, "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." Now I'm not talking about Bible words like "hell", "damn", "ass", "bastard", or "whore" themselves. I'm talking about the "F" word, the "S" word, or any other profane slanderous term that is used under the sun.
  "PG" movies are no different. They will use blasphemous terms like: "Jeez", "Oh my God/gosh", or "Jesus Christ" as an expletive. "G" movies are the same as well. Disney movies have subliminal messages even in the disc covers. They will use the same blasphemous terms as in "PG" movies. And Disney movies often includes the wrong message. In "Beauty in the Beast", a woman basically commits bestiality in order for her dog she fell in love with to become a man. In "the Princess and the Frog", the woman kisses the from, a bestial act, in order for the frog to turn into a man. Disney movies also include witchcraft and sorcery. "Harry Potter" and "The Chronicles or Narnia" are two mainstream Disney movies that promote and encourage kids to be witches and sorcerers.
 Ask yourself, why do we have so many gothic teens? Why are kids into piercing themselves? Why are kids into drugs? All of these practices are used by occult religions for invoking what the Bible calls "familiar spirits".
  There is nothing positive about the rating of the movie. God hates sin, and if you love God you will too. There is no excuse for the rating of the movie.
 The third reason why movies are wrong is because they glorify sinful people. Every Hollywood whore, and whoremonger are promoted across the screen. These "actors" are fooling you. Our world call them "celebrities", God calls them "an abomination. God said in Luke 16:15,

 "And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God."

 Britney Spears, Leonardo DiCaprio, Lebron James, Kanye West,  Brad Pitt, and BeyoncĂ© are all an abomination in the sight of God. Why? Because they are "highly esteemed", they are deified in our society. Kanye West has even wrote his own "bible" where he replaces "God" with "Kanye". God is a Jealous God. People don't have to admit they worship these people when they want to touch the skirt of their robes on stage like the woman did to Jesus. When they want to follow them wherever they go like Jesus told us to do. When they want to religiously listen to their music and interviews and study their lives as we read the Bible.
  There is no question about it. These are truly the gods of America. They preach it in their music, teach it on their platforms, and promote it with their names.
  Half of the people in Hollywood are sodomites. Leonardo DiCaprio's played as a homosexual in the movie "Total Eclipse". Will Smith played as a homosexual in "Six Degrees of Separation". Jaden Smith is a cross dresser who has been French kissed by his father on live television. Ellen "Degenerate" is a lesbian.  Lady Gaga has said that lesbians are "more daring than men". And Caitlyn Jenner is a damned transsexual!
 These are the people you make rich when you buy their movie tickets. I frankly don't want my money going to a bunch of paedophiles and dogs. I'd rather make better investments. The reason why these people can pretty much perform whatever act on screen is because the Bible says they are "past feeling" in Ephesians 4:19.
  You may wonder why the media and politics pay so much attention to the opinions celebrities? The reason why is because the people are more interested in following the degeneracy of their gods than the truth of the Bible.
 Psalm 101:6 reads, "Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land....". These Hollywood actors are the most unfaithful people in our nation. That's why I call them whores and whoremongers because each and every one of them has either been divorced several times or is in a  premarital relationship for s short period of time.
 There are many other factors as to why it is wrong to watch Hollywood movies. But  the same person who reads this post and has a TV in their home, is just as guilty as someone who is sitting in the theatre right now. We as believers need to stay away from the sins of this world. We need to stay away from the gods of this world. The reason why the divorce rate is so high, whoredom is ok, and sodomy is cool and trendy is because people in America are following the doctrines of their gods.
  If you are a Christian that loves God, you will keep his commandments. If you are like some of the Christians I know that disregard the Word of God for the sake of their pleasure, you will fail in life. Sin is abounding in our nation. As Children of God, we must be holy and separate from sinners just as Christ was.

 "For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners and exalted above the heavens."  -Hebrews 7:26

 If you love God, you will keep his commandments.

"For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous."  -1 John 5:3

Monday, January 30, 2017

Why I'm an Independent Fundamental Baptist

  Image result for pastor anderson

Baptists are not Protestant, and there is a reason why I'm not a Protestant. The founders of Protestantism: Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Knox, wanted to reform the Catholic Church. They decided to "protest" the Catholic Church for being unscriptural in regards toward transubstantiation, the concealment of God's Word, indulgences,  and the persecution of anyone who believed doctrines other than those taught at Mass.  However, Martin Luther said that he never left the Catholic Church. If you read his famous 95 theses, he clearly believes a lot of the same false doctrine that the Mother Of Harlots did to begin with. The Reformers did not want to break away from the Catholic Church, they wanted to add certain changes to the way things were governed. This is one reason why I'm a Baptist, because I never came out of the Catholic Church. I am not seeking to "reform" or "change" Mystery Babylon.  Now this was a brief history lesson to why I'm not a Protestant. Now I am going to tell you biblically why I belong to a Baptist Church.

1)Christ is the Head of the Church 

 "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let wives be subject unto their own husbands in every thing."  -Ephesians 5:23-24

 Mainstream Protestantism is denominational; meaning that a president or committee is the head of several churches within the same statement of faith. A few well-known denominations are: the Southern Baptist Convention, United Methodist Church, and or course the Catholic Church. The Pope is a perfect example of what a denomination truly is. He is the head over thousands of Churches throughout the world, and whatever he says goes.
  This is unscriptural. Since Protestantism is nothing but "catholic-light", they have engulfed themselves in something that is completely satanic in nature. Just as God came down and scattered the men who were building the Tower of Babel, a one world system, God has also done so with his Church.
  There is not a church that we all belong to on earth. There are "churches".  Throughout the New Testament you will see the word, "churches". Protestants use Ephesians 5:23-24 to boast of their denominationalism because the verses say "the church", meaning "one church". What they fail to recognize is that it also says "the husband" and "the wife". Does that mean that there is only one husband on this entire earth? No. Does that mean that there is only one family on this entire earth? No. God is generalizing this verse to obviously mean that Christ is the head of every church, just as every husband is to be the head of his wife.
  By making a man, such as a Pope or President, a mainstream leader of a collective group of churches, each and every one of those churches' is subject to that man's orders, not to the Scriptures. A Church is to pull all of its doctrine from the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the King James Bible. Not from a board or committee. I am a part of an Independent Church, meaning that there is no hierarchy of governors connected to the Church. We are independently run by Pastors, Deacons, and a God-fearing congregation whose sole authority comes from the Word of God.

2)The Word of God is the Final Authority

 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."  -2 Timothy 3:16-17

 All a Church needs for doctrine, administration, and preaching can be found in the Holy Word of God, the basis of Baptist theology. Unlike the Charismatics who stand on personal experience, and the Protestants who lean on human reasoning, we stand on the doctrines of Scripture ALONE. This is why I am 'fundamental'. This defines me as someone who believes the Bible LITERALLY'. I as a Baptist, do not believe in an allegorical interpretation of Scripture unless the passage clearly defines itself as allegorical, symbolic, or prophetic. One of the main reasons why so much false doctrine exists today is because people read the Bible and make it say what they want it to say. This is why God says we are to rightly divide the Word of Truth. You need to be capable of separating the allegorical, prophetic, and symbolic from the literal.
  A good example is the 10 commandments. All but one commandment is symbolic, and that is the fourth commandment dealing with the Sabbath. All of the other commandments are literal. God simply says "thou shalt not kill", "thou shalt not commit adultery", "thou shalt not steal". There is nothing figurative about any of the other nine commandments. There are literal and figurative passages in the Bible that need to be read in context to get the true meaning.
  If you read Revelation Chapter 4, and you think that the rapture is mentioned there, you're not making the Bible your final authority because Revelation 4 doesn't address the rapture. But if you read clear verses that talk about the rapture like: Matthew 24:29, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, Revelation 1:7, and Revelation 6:12-17. The Pre-Trib Rapture is a perfect example of Pastors not relying on the Word of God as their final authority.
  Being a fundamentalist means that you are willing to lay down tradition, preconceived ideas, and personal beliefs for the sake of the authenticity of doctrine. You don't compromise.

3) Baptism is for Believers

 "And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."  -Acts 8:36-37

  Baptism is not a requirement for salvation. All one must do to be saved is believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ, and then they are saved eternally. Baptism comes after someone has already gotten saved. The eunuch had to believe first, which is salvation, in order to be baptized, which is an ordinance. If Baptism were a requirement for salvation, I guess the thief on the cross didn't go to heaven. I guess Abraham and the Patriarchs didn't go to heaven. Baptism is a symbol for salvation. It is an ordinance like the Lord's Super. Romans 6:4-5 clearly teaches this doctrine. It says that we are planted in the "likeness of his death", and we are risen in the "likeness of his resurrection". Baptism represents the death to the body and life to the Spirit in the Christian life. It is a public display of one's conversion. This public display is to be done by Pastors and Deacons, usually in the local Church.
  Having the name "Baptist" is an honour. That was what the Protestants mockingly called people who re-baptized adults due to the unscriptural baby sprinkling or the Catholic and Protestant Churches. Just as the disciples were named "Christians" by their persecutors, we were named "Baptist" by ours as well.
  Jesus said in Matthew 11:11

 "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born among women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."

 Instead of naming our Church after some dead man burning in hell, we have named our Church after a living man in heaven who preached righteousness and prepared the way for Jesus Christ. That is what Baptist Churches want to do. We want to go soul-winning, get people baptized, and raise up a generation of Pastors who will preach just as the greatest man to ever live did. Notwithstanding, if we are the most humblest of people, who obey and follow the shepherd's voice, we will undoubtedly be greater than the first Baptist.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Tips For Bible Memorization

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"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."  -Joshua 1:8

 It's the new year, and many Christians have already started reading their Bibles cover to cover, going soul-winning, and being in Church. Many have made good resolutions that hopefully they will fulfill.
  Today, I want to talk about a specific resolution that I think that every saint should consider. That resolution is Bible memorization. This is something that is overlooked among spiritual resolutions. Not only does God stress reading, and studying his Word, but also memorizing and meditating upon it.
  I'm now going to give you some tips on how you can memorize large portions of the Bible effectively. I have been using this technique for quite some time now, and it has proved effective.

 1) Choose a Passage

 This is the obvious, but sadly no one ever makes it to this step. If you are new to memorizing large portions of scripture, try memorizing most of the Psalms. And not Psalms like chapter 117, but Psalms that contain at least 10-20 verses. The best part about this, is that you can try and put some of the Psalms to music to aid your memorization. Don't try to memorize huge passages right away. The bear minimum should be 3-5 verses per day. Don't try to memorize a full chapter in one day. You need to train your mind to memorize like that before you jump into memorizing 10 verses, fail, then get discouraged.

2) Use the Same Bible

 If you're like me, and have a good stash of Bibles to choose from, it might be a good idea to only use one Bible for your memorization. The reason why is because often times when I can't remember a certain verse, usually I just flip the page without looking and the verse immediately comes to my mind. I like to call this "Scripture-Placement Memory".
  We do this all the time when we try to find certain scriptures without the references. Our minds may not remember the chapters and verses, but our minds do remember the sections we read. This is a great technique that aids in Bible memory.

3) Quote the Verses in the Morning and Evening

 After we wake up, our minds are fresh and ready for the day. This is the perfect advantage for Bible memory. Things stick well in the morning than in the evening. Quote in the evening to refresh your mind of the passage you are memorizing before you go to bed. And when I say quote, I mean recite the verse 10-15 times each. Look at the verse as you quote for 3-5 quotations, then work it into your memory. Do this every day until you have reached the last few verses.

4)Quote Memorized Passage Every Day for 1 Week

  Now, we are getting into the fundamentals of memorization. You must work the passage into your long-term memory. And when I say once a day, I mean ONCE A DAY. If you are quoting the passage five times a day, that isn't going to help you. Doing that will only keep the passage in your short-term memory. What you want, is to gradually work the passage into your long-term memory. Each day for a week, each week for a month, each month for a year, each year for a decade, each decade forever.

5) Move On

 Don't go telling your friends you memorized 1 chapter and you're done. Move on to harder chapters, and try to memorize more verses every day. Write down your verse on note cards, pull them out, and recite them when you can. When you're waiting in line, making dinner, or waiting in traffic, just pull them out and recite.  As you memorize, mediate on what the verse is saying to you. Apply it. You will be more filled with the Spirit if you speak the spirit.

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."  -Colossians 3:16

" It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."    -John 6:63

New World Order Bible Versions (Full Movie)

After the Tribulation - Full Movie