Saturday, September 24, 2016

Know Your Rights

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Sadly, many Americans do not know their rights. We sadly are in a cage where the powers in high places can feed us whatever they want and we accept it because there isn't anything else available to the public. The truth is being so submerged nowadays that you have to do your own research on nearly every topic. The goal of the elites agenda is to dumb down the population. This is obvious because no normal, red-blooded, logical man accepts homosexuality, feminism, or liberalism.
 50 years ago, everybody had their own view. They had principals, and certain fundamentals. A lot of these fundamentals were shared by the Bible. Homosexuality was seen as disgusting. Women were seen as helpmates. And everyone knew that the Bible had a role in our nation's founding. 50 years later everybody forsakes God's Word and all believe the same thing instead of having their own conclusions. And if you don't believe what everyone else believes, you are attacked by the media, which turns into persecution by co-workers, peers, and family. In a world like ours, we need to know that our rights are being taken away because we are becoming dumber. So dumb that we actually believe that there is no agenda to take away our rights given by God; enforced by the government.
 Today, by secularization, we are ignoring God and the Bible. If we forsake God, then we are forsaking freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, "  Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." The Bible says in Proverbs 14:34 says, "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." When we forget God, when we chose not to abide in his tabernacle, and dwell in his holy hill, then we will be destroyed.
 We as Americans need to remember, that we didn't get this land by praying to any government. We didn't get our land by worshipping any king. The Lord Jesus Christ was our King, and we exalted his name by adhering to his Word. Now, we want to take God away. We have already taken the Bible out of schools and raised a generation of idiots. The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Our nation gives honour to nations like Israel, who hate God. We promote idols like musicians, and athletes instead of exalting God's perfect Word. We use to be a nation under God, now we are a nation under slavery; under debt; under sin; under the prince of this world.
 How did we get to far from the truth? How did we arrive to our current state? We got here by forgetting our rights as Americans. Forgetting that we have a right to serve God in public. That we have a right not to bake a queer wedding cake. That we have a right not to be nice and tolerant to anti-biblical concepts. That we have a right to worship the God that aided the founding of our nation. And as we forgot these rights. As we abandoned the first amendment, our others are now in jeopardy as well. Our 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, and 22nd amendments are in danger as well. And the sad part is that MOST AMERICANS DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE!!!! And since we don't know what they are, we wont exercise and back them. The cake on the table isn't yours unless you take it. You cant just say you called it. Someone else may get up and take it anyway. This is exactly what is happening to our freedoms.
 When the nation of Israel forgot God's laws, ordinances, and statutes, then they forsook God and served Baal. For this, God judged them because they did not know him. Nevertheless, God raised up deliverers for Israel to turn them back to the Word of God. The Spirit of God rested on these deliverers: Othniel, Ehud, Gideon Samson, and Samuel, who were men of God that were mighty among men because they, unlike the others, followed the Word of God. If America is to change. If we as a people afflict ourselves, mourn and weep. If we allow our laughter to be turned to mourning and our joy to heaviness. When we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord, then we will be exalted. God is looking for a man filled with the Holy Spirit of God to deliver his people Israel out of the oppressive government of the United States of America. While we still retain certain freedoms now, they are not guaranteed for the future if we forsake God.
 The Pastors are the men who God is looking to. They are the prophets who prophesy smooth things. Whose gain is godliness. Many of the prophets are turned aside after Baal; after Oprah, Money, Wealth, and the athletes and celebrities of our day. We have brought in many gods into the Church. It is a shame that God's people have been lost sheep. That there shepherds have caused them to go astray. Wandering into many hills, and mountains, our restingplace is forgotten.
 Since God's people are not right with God, our nation is not right with God. If pastors don't preach against sin, then the flocks will bring in sin. If the flocks bring the world in, then the Church will become like the world. And if the Church becomes like the world, then the world doesn't need to change.
 Christians should read the Bible, and know that God has a standard. God will not spare the ungodly in the day of judgement. Neither will he spare the backslider since he wants to be ungodly. Many Christians will perish in God's judgement. Not because they are unsaved, but because they never warned the wicked man. Ezekiel 33:7-8 reads,
"So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear
the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand."
 Pastors need to start preaching the entire Word of God. It is a shame that you can walk into 10 different Baptist Churches and here the same sermons on love, forgiveness, and prayer. What about judgement? What about hell? What about God's hatred? What about the reprobates? What about hard preaching against sin? What about preaching against the faggots instead of preaching for them?!! I'm all for love. I'm all for forgiveness. I'm all for prayer. But here's the thing, God isn't just love. God didn't just speak of prayer. God didn't just write of forgiveness in his Word. God is also Holy, and Just. God is also a Judge. God is also a King that will slay the inhabitants of this earth. Get rid of this figment of your imagination that God is just love. If you want to see who God is, you have to look at what he said. If you wanted to see what I looked like, you couldn't just look at my hair, my teeth, or my ears. You have to see my whole face. You have to get the big picture. If you just go around looking at one side of God's Word, you don't know who God is.
 If we wake up and remember God's word, then we will see how lazy and stupid we have become.

                                                                                             Wake Up!!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Neo Evangelicalism

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Evangelicals today are one of the biggest denominations of compromise inside the realm of Christianity. They can also be referred to as "liberal Christians". Christians who compromise and don't believe the Bible today are known as Evangelicals or "liberal Christians".
 One of the most evident things about Evangelicals is their willingness to compromise on key biblical doctrine for the sake of bringing people to Church. This means bringing in the Rock and Roll music; allowing women to dress like whores, and never preaching against sin like the Bible commands.
 The Evangelical movement was birthed from a split in the fundamentalist movement. The Evangelicals wanted to "adapt" their beliefs to the culture which is why they created a social gospel. They also felt a need to depart from the old teachings held by Christians, to a newer more advanced way of reaching people for Christ while compromising on doctrine. The fundamentalists held to the teachings of scripture, and refused to compromise for any reason. The fundamentalists did not want to compromise on biblical doctrine in order to make Church look "fun" for sinners. They held to the belief to "go out" and win the lost. Which is why fundamentalists historically have gone "soul-winning"; bringing them in the Church after they got saved, instead of just bringing them to Church and preaching on salvation every Sunday.
 To the Evangelical, the Church is a spiritual hospital for sinners. To the Fundamentalist, the Church is for the saved, and we are to win the unsaved by going to them. Of course, the fundamentalist view is supported by scripture (Matt. 24:18-20, Luke 14:23, Proverbs 11:30, Acts 20:20-21, Romans 10:13-15) which is why they are called fundamentalists. And last time I checked, the epistles of the apostles were written to Churches full of saved people, not to the unsaved. Paul and Barnabas never wrote an epistle to the unsaved, they taught the Church. They preached the gospel to the unsaved and taught doctrine to the saved. Never in the Bible is the Church ever seen as a "spiritual hospital". Evangelicals get this false doctrine from taking Matthew 9:11 out of context where Jesus ate with sinners. Well, if they read the next verse, they would see why Jesus was there. It reads starting at verse 10,

 " And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

 If you have the Holy Spirit inside you, you will clearly see that Jesus isn't in Church, he is inside of a house of publicans and sinners. Since Jesus isn't in Church that right there just destroys their whole argument. This scripture actually supports the Biblical fundamentalist view; teaching that we need to be reaching sinners outside of Church so we can bring them in.
 Now I don't want to make this a long article, but there is just one other thing worth mentioning about liberal Evangelicals. Their view of evangelism has morphed to something titled "Engagement without Accommodation". This is where we get into them saying "we need to engage the culture to win the lost", "we need to engage the culture by using our "God-given" talents and abilities to reach sinners". This, like other forms of false doctrine, sounds nice and "spiffy", but it's false. Jesus commanded us to be separate from the world. To be "a peculiar people". Jesus does not want us to conform to the world, but to abstain from the pollutions of the world.  Of course, God commands this (Romans 12:2, 2Corinthians 6:17, and 1 Peter 2:9). But Evangelicals are those who say, "Oh, that how you may be interpreting the Bible". They are the crowd that just want to do whatever they want and pick and chose scriptures out of context to support them. Neo Evangelicals simply don't care about what the Bible says. They want to live like a rap star and use swear words (Andy Mineo), rather than try and live a godly biblical life.
 This liberal form of Christianity is spreading all over the world. Christians who go to college have a 97% chance of coming out Neo Evangelical. They reject the inerrancy of scripture and the King James Bible; they deny the doctrine of separation; they side with the Catholic Church; they promote worldliness through their clothing, music, views, and lifestyle, and most of them are on their way to hell where their leader Billy Graham is heading today.
 Jesus said in John 8:47,

 "He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God."

 Jesus said again in John 10:27,

 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:"

 Neo Evangelicals do not hear the voice of the shepherd. They don't hear the Word of God. Every time someone points out their error using the King James Bible, they tell you "don't judge", "we're all sinners",or they will bring up another scripture that is taken out of context as if that somehow gives them license to continue in sin. And here is their famous one, "We are not under the law, we're under grace". They love to isolate scripture. Their teachings are based on taking things out of context and isolation of scripture. Any saved, born again, Bible-believing Christian who reads the Bible cover to cover will quickly see that these people are idiots.
 In conclusion, we need to get back to fundamentalism. Our nation is rejecting the teachings that have birthed it. We need Baptist Preachers who are not afraid to preach the fundamental doctrines of scripture. We need to get our butts into an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. The problem with preachers today is not only what they are preaching, it's also what they are not preaching. We need to get back to the Bible.

" Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein."
                                                                                                   -Jeremiah 6:16

 Will we believe the Bible?